EW Plate




1. The Eric Worthington Plate is a handicap competition and is played by those clubs knocked out (except those giving walkovers to their opponents) of the Fairlawn Trophy in either round 1 or 2.

2. Teams shall comprise of four men and four women.

3. Couples will be expected to play in order of strength.

4. Each match shall consist of 8 events of Handicap Mixed Doubles No. 1 and No. 2 couples will play the opposing No. 1 and No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 couples will play the opposing No. 3 and No. 4 couples.

5. Each event to be played over 2 sets to a maximum of 11 games (i.e. 6!5).

6. The handicap will be determined by Members of the Group Committee. The handicap wil be based on a club’s current league standing.

7. Matches shall be decided on games won after adjustment for the handicap applied to each club.

8. Handicaps shall be given in multiples of +5 games.

9. The Tournament draw and individual club handicap will be emailed to the participating clubs email address, as listed in the current handbook.

10. Dates for completing rounds will be shown on the copy of the draw.

11. The same players must represent the Club on both evenings, if the match comes over to a second evening. In the event of a postponement due to bad weather the round must be completed by the closing date.

12. The draw shall be on the basis that the Club drawn first shall be the home Club. In the succeeding rounds clubs who have payed more away matches than their opponents shall earn the right to be the home Club. Clubs gaining byes or walkovers in the earlier rounds shall be deemed to have played at home. If both Clubs have an equal number of away matches, the Club higher in the bracket shall be the home team.

13. Matches will be played on any approved hard or grass courts. The decision as to the type of court to be used will be left to the home Club.

14. The home Club shall provide the balls, ITF Approved balls Will be used and not less than 3 news balls per court suppled.

15. The home Club shall be responsible for communication with their opponents in regard to match dates (and new dates in the event of postponement due to weather conditions) within 48 hours of completing their previous round. Visiting teams should be offered two alternative dates for the match, excluding the away teams actual league match nights, to be played prior to the ‘play by' date.

16. Matches must be completed in the prescribed time. No extension of time can be allowed.

17. In the event of disputes between Clubs, the matter shall be referred to the Tournament Secretary immediately.

18. All Players shall be bona fide club members. No player shall be allowed to play for more than one club in any one year and no player can play for a Club in this Tournament who has played for another club in any other Group competition in that same season.

19. The starting time for evening matches shall not be later than 6.30pm. A pair not ready to play at 7pm (or when required) shall forfeit the event by 6!0 6! 0 in favour of their opponents. The starting time for weekend matches will be arranged by mutual consent. A pair not ready to play 30 minutes after the arranged start shall also forfeit the events.

20. Results shall be phoned by the winning club within 24 hours of the conclusion of the match to the Tournament Secretary. Failure to observe this rule renders the winners liable to disqualification.



EW Plate Winners 2019

2019 Winners Ruskin Park