Member Rules


Court Usage

  • Adults - Maximum of 2 hours per day 
  • Juniors - Maximum of 2 hours per week

please note: adults and juniors are permitted to book on the day if a court is available and play over the maximum allowance above

Court Usage

  • When booking a court and bringing a guest  - the guest must pay half of the court fees
  • Maximum of 4 players on any court at any time 


  • Courts must be cancelled at least 36 hours in advance. failure to do so will result in a £10 charge, per hour, per court

Age Restrictions

  • Under 16's not permitted in the club after 9pm unless attending a Function or playing in a Tournament or Match
  • Under 12's are not permitted in the club unsupervised at any time

Clothing & Footwear

  • Players must wear appropriate sports attire. 
  • All players must wear Tennis/Padel or similar footwear