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Toddington Tennis Club

Welcome to Toddington Tennis Club

Hidden behind the conifers at the rear of the Recreation Ground, Luton Road in Toddington our stunning facility is totally hidden from view.  Many villagers are even suprised to hear that the village has such a thriving club!

We currently have 3 glorious carpet, floodlit courts which were fully renovated in December 2017.  They remain in a lovely playing condition all year around.  Our clubhouse offers tea making facilities and comfort breaks between sets.  We even have a large screen to watch Wimbledon (and the Olympics) on during the summer months.

Now in our 54th year we are always looking to welcome New Members into our very social club.  We currently offer adult social Tennis on Tuesday and Thursday Evenings from 7pm and on Sunday Mornings from 10am.

We are lucky to have a superb coach in Paul Hobday. He provides Junior coaching for all abilities on Wednesdays and is available for individual coaching.  Further details on sessions are on the Coaching section. 

Don't forget to "like" us on facebook to keep up to date with results and social events.

Hope to see you on the court soon!

How to find us

Toddington Tennis Club
The Recreation Ground, Luton Road

Get directions