Social Events

The highlights of TLTC Social Events calendar include :

Finals Day Club BBQ

Held on Open Championship Finals Day, usually on a Saturday in mid July during peak season. This is open to club members and partners and takes place whilst watching the finalists of the Open compete for the club trophies. BBQ food is readily available and members are encouraged to bring a salad or dessert with them. The bar is open and lasts longer than both the tennis and the BBQ, whilst gentle music sets the scene! The quality of tennis, food and beverage is only surpassed by the entente cordial and memories the next day.

Christmas Party

TLTC  hold a Christmas Party during December at a local Twickenham venue where there is food, music and dancing to celebrate the festive season and the end of another tennis year.

White Swan

TLTC players can also often be found at the local White Swan pub by the river swapping tennis tales after social  sessions on Saturday or Sunday afternoons or Tuesday and Thursday evenings during the summer.

Other Events

It is not unusual to find TLTC members firing up the charcoal for a spontaneous Sunday afternoon BBQ with other club members on a sunny summer' day.

2024 events are  indicate what we enjoy:


 The Claudio Cup - organsied by Roger King as a great start to the new year, and in memory of Claudio Maggio, RIP.


John’s Quiz Night



Chris Davis Friday Evening Social (Organised)

Chris’s Grand National Saturday Social  - Davis Cup

- Neil Checker's Curry Special



 Wing Plate & Wimbledon Ticket Ballot

Start of Open 


Parent & Child Event 


Wimbledon Strawberry & Cream  ( just the one strawberry)

Club Finals Day & BBQ



TDB - King Cup 


Winter singles start 


Steve Franklin Award Sunday:  an annual award established by Andrew and Gloria Franklin in memory of their son Steve who was a much loved member of our club for many years.   A salver is awarded to the most improved junior male and female player, decided by Andrea Costello, our Club Head of Coaching. There are two award categories: *Most Improved Boy  & Most Improved Girl.


Wine tasting and food nights


Christmas Party