The WELTC is always looking for enthusiastic volunteers interested in assisting with ongoing fundraising at the club!
We have had a successful few years having raised £5000 for a hitting wall in 2018 and over £32,000 for the court re-surfacing project improving access to the club for chair users in 2020. In September 2021 we also raised a whopping £2,093 to surce a defibrillator for the club!
In the above endeavours, we were generously supported by Dundee High School, the Fife Environment Trust, The Leng Foundation, The Northwood Trust, The Walter Craig Foundation, Gore Technologies, the LTA, Tunnocks Tea Cakes, The Al Maktoum Fund, Dundee Sports Dinner, Aldi Sports Fund, and many small in-house events.
However, the work goes on! The Clubhouse has received substantial improvements over the winter with a very generous grant from EB Scotland through the Scottish Communites Landfill Fund and we also have a new cycle rack courtesy of a grant from Cycling Scotland.
If you would like to help with future projects, please do get in touch. You will have already received emails about shopping online via Easyfundraising. Please visit to sign up and support your local club with no additional cost to you!
How do I find out more?
If you would like to be involved, have suggestions or simply want to find out more - please contact us at