Meet the Trustees!

Interested in joining the Committee Board as a Trustees or a general committee member or simply finding out more? Get in touch, we'd love to hear from you!

Mugurel (Bud) Chirica - Trustee, Club Secretary and LTA Representant

Lynsey Robertson - Trustee,  Treasurer

Katie Hardman - Trustee, Membership Secretary

Mat Craigon - Trustee, Grounds and Maintenance Coordinator

Shona Dobbie - Fundraising Officer

Linda Dubiel - Trustee, Welfare Officer

Fabian Haut - Trustee, Tennis Development Officer

Keith Simpson - Head Coach

Jack Sandilands - Communication Secretary


To get in contact with any of our board members please email -


Put a face to the name...


Mugurel (Bud) Chirica

"I'm the club secretary, LTA representative, part of the board of directors and the social convenor.

If you need to get in touch with me for anything related to that you have my contact details below or you can use the club's email address  in the contacts page.

I've been a club member since 2019 and I enjoyed every moment of it except the lockdown period!

For my day job I'm a software engineering manager for a company in London and in my spare time I like to read, spend time with my wife and play as much tennis as humanly possible."

phone: 0743 849 2861"


Mat Craigon

"I am a Project manager for a large govt body and In my spare time I like to play tennis and spend time outside with the family and dog. I've been a club member since 2019 after the kids got involved with classes. My role at the club is to oversee the maintenance of club facilities and coordinate maintenance activities of club volunteers. We have a small dedicated team of volunteers that meet every 2-4 weeks on a Sunday to clean the courts and clubhouse. We could always do with more help. Please contact Me if you would like to get involved:"


Shona Dobbie

I was the Chief Economist for a large financial institution before setting up my own company in 2015. But my main love is playing tennis and I have really enjoyed being a member of WELTC since March 2021.

As fundraising officer I would love to hear from anyone who has any fundraising ideas or who would like to help in any way. 

Linda Dubiel

"Part of my role is to make sure that the club is a safe and inclusive venue for everyone. The wellbeing of children and adults is the club’s priority at all times, so don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns.


Phone: 07954058763

I have been a member of the club since 2012 and usually play in the ladies' team and the mixed doubles league. My sons are playing tennis at the club as juniors and I enjoy a good hit with them. I regularly practice yoga and pilates to stay balanced. Also my husband and I wonder through the beautiful Scottish countryside lots and are keen birders and mushroom pickers. Not had a bad one yet."

Fabian Haut

"I have been a member at WELTC for 16 years, playing in the various teams over the years. I am semi retired consultant psychiatrist, although I seem to work somehow as much as I did before…

In my spare time I try to play some tennis, enjoy cooking, baking and reading."


Lynsey Robertson

Hi, I’m Lynsey! I’m originally from the Scottish Borders and I’ve been playing tennis since I was little. I’ve lived in Dundee for the past 2 years and this is my second year at the club - so far so good! I’m currently training to be a chartered accountant which will hopefully serve me well in my new role as treasurer.


Katie Hardman

Hey everyone, I’m Katie, the new membership secretary for WELTC. I grew up in Kirriemuir and always enjoyed playing a wide range of sports, in particular tennis. After relocating back to Dundee in March 2022 I joined WELT which reignited my passion for the game. Between playing competitively and socially I’ve had such a great experience and I’m looking forward to supporting other members of the club going forward.


Head Coach: Keith Simpson

Hi I’m Keith, I am the head coach here at West End Lawn Tennis Club since October 2022. I have been tennis coaching since 2015 and enjoy all aspects of coaching, whether you are a complete beginner having never picked up a racket before or are playing at the top end of tennis, together we can improve your game. I started playing when I was around 7 years old, played for 7 or so years before other commitments got in the way, I barely picked up a racket again before deciding it was the career for me. 
Outside of tennis I love skiing, hill walking, golfing, paddle boarding and generally being outdoors. If indoors and watching the tv you would usually find me watching American football, rugby or ice hockey.
I’m rather mad for sport which I guess is where the tennis coaching has come from.

Click here for Keith Simpson Coaching.


Phone: 07727927370


Jack Sandilands

Hi, I’m Jack I’m currently studying Marketing and business management at Abertay and I’m hoping this will serve me well in my new role overseeing the social media and communications of the club.

 In my spare time I play a lot of sports mainly hockey and tennis.

If you need to get in touch with me feel free to contact me at:
Phone: 07498 070564