Welcome to West End Tennis Club


Welcome to West End Tennis Club!

Whether you are a die-hard tennis fanatic or an absolute beginner, our club heartily invites you to join us!

Built and supported by West End village residents for our community, our club boasts three, well maintained, hard tennis courts located on Benner Lane between the village pond and Tringham Hall with easy car parking. We have a membership of about 140 families and individuals.

Our club holds a relaxed FREE club night on Monday evenings from the first week of April until the end of September from around 6.00pm until dark as well as a Saturday morning session 09:15 to 10:45 all year round (weather permitting) . Skill level is not important, just enthusiasm!  The sessions are open to adults and competent juniors over the age of 13. Depending on numbers, we play doubles, singles, two against one, and everyone mixes in  so there is no need to arrive with a partner. There are no referees, occasionally scores are forgotten and the odd game can consist mostly of double faults.  Some sessions are facilitated by our coach, Clive Asprey

Check out the membership page for information on how to become a member.  

Members can book courts up to 14 days in advance. Single members can book 7 x 1 hour slots in each 14 day period, for Family members this is  10 x 1 hour slots.  Please cancel any bookings if you no longer plan to play so that these are available for others to book.

Pay and Play is available for £10 per court per hour. Non-members shall have access to Court 3 at a charge of £10 per hour on a “first come first served” basis. On payment of deposit of £10 (together with the court fee) a key to Gate 2 will be obtainable from No.1 High Street, or other such place as the Committee shall nominate Non-members must ring Mr Nash Patel on mobile number  07964 616240 at least 2 hours before collecting a key.  The key must be returned immediately after play and the deposit shall be returned.




How to find us

West End Tennis Club
Benner Lane
West End
GU24 9JP

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