Club Rules

West End Tennis Club

  1. The name of the Club shall be West End Tennis Club.
  2. The aims of the club are to:
  • Encourage the playing of tennis in West End.
  • Give the opportunity to play and learn tennis to those who do not necessarily wish to play competitive tennis.
  1. Membership shall be open to all. There shall be no limit to the number of members who are resident of West End. The number of non-resident members will be limited at the discretion of the Club Committee. The Club is affiliated to the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA).
  2. Safeguarding. West End Tennis Club is committed to prioritising the well-being of all children and adults at risk, promoting safeguarding in our Club at all times, including all programmes and events we run. Members should read the Policy which can be found on the website and be aware of the reporting process in the event of any concerns regarding safeguarding. 
  3. Age limit. Children under 11 years must be accompanied by an adult.
  4. Shoes. Only flat soled tennis shoes may be worn on the courts. No ribbed–soled or waffle bottom training shoes may be worn as they can damage the court surface. Members are responsible for correct shoes being worn by their guests on court.
  5. Security. Members must lock the gate while playing on court to prevent unauthorised access. Players, on leaving the court, must slacken the net and lock the gate. Non-members must lock Gate 2 while playing and on leaving the courts re-lock the gate and return the key immediately to No.1 High Street or other such place as the Committee shall  nominate.
  6. Use of the courts. Members may play as frequently as they wish. If there are others waiting to use the courts, players may only occupy a court for one hour.  Courts 1 and 2 can be booked up to 14 days in advance. Single members can book 7 x 1 hour slots in each 14 day period, for Family members this is 10 x 1 hour slots.  Please cancel any bookings if you no longer plan to play so that these are available for others to book.
  •  It is the player’s responsibility to inspect the courts prior to playing to ensure they are fit for use and that it is safe to play especially following rain or freezing conditions.  To the maximum extent permitted by law we exclude any damage or liability if the courts are used following adverse weather conditions.
  • A member may invite one (non-member) guest to play at any one time.
  • Non-members shall have access to Court 3 at a charge of £10 per hour on a “first come first served” basis. On payment of deposit of £10 (together with the court fee) a key to Gate 2 will be obtainable from No.1 High Street, or other such place as the Committee shall nominate Non-members must ring Mr Nash Patel on mobile number  07964 616240 at least 2 hours before collecting a key The key must be returned immediately after play and the deposit shall be returned.
  • Non-members have priority on Court 3 and members must immediately vacate court 3 if a non-member, having obtained the key, arrives on court.
  • Bicycles, scooters and roller skates must not be taken on to the courts, even for safekeeping. For safekeeping purposes, during play, bicycles can be chained to the fencing on the outside of the courts.
  1. Evenings and Sunday afternoon play. On weekdays and Saturdays after 5 pm and on Sundays after 12:30 pm the courts will be for the use of Club members only.
  2. Coaching. Members and non-members are not permitted to run commercial coaching sessions on the Club courts without the written approval of the Committee. Members can arrange to receive coaching from a professional who is a non-member but the sessions cannot include players who are not members of the Club. Members must ensure the coach leaves the courts when the lesson is finished.
  3. Membership key fobs. Each individual member or member family will be issued with a membership key fob bearing a number. The membership key and fob must be carried by any member when using the courts and shown to a member of the Committee on request. The membership key and fob remain the property of the Club and must be returned should a member wish to cancel membership.

Membership fobs are not transferable and may not be lent to a non- member. Any member found to be contravening this rule will lose their Club membership.

There will be a charge of £10 for replacing any lost keys and/or fobs.

  1. Subscriptions shall be £45 per family or £30 per individual (to be reviewed at least on an annual basis) to be paid on 1st March each year. Each member household will be given a key and numbered key fob to Gate 1. The padlock will be changed each year on or about 1st March and a new key will be obtainable on payment of the renewed annual membership fee.
  2. Joining fee. This will be a one-off payment of £15 (under regular review).
  3. Management. The Club will be managed by a committee consisting of:
    • Chairperson
    • Vice-chairperson
    • Honorary Secretary
    • Honorary Treasurer
    • Membership Secretary
    • Welfare Officer as required by the LTA
    • Two other members, one of whom shall be a Parish Council nominee
  4. The Annual General Meeting will be held in the first quarter of each year. The Committee will meet regularly and any items for the Agenda are to be put in writing to the Secretary or Chairperson.
  5. In the event of the winding up of the Club any funds held in the name of the Club shall be used to defray all outstanding accounts and any residue of funds shall be passed to West End Parish Council to be held in trust for the future repair and maintenance of the courts for the benefit of the village of West End (GU24).
  6. Grievances. Any grievances, problems or suggestions must be submitted in writing to the Secretary.
  7. Any matters arising not covered by these rules shall be dealt with by the Committee and its decision will be final. The Committee has the right to deny or revoke membership of any individual not complying with these rules.
  8. The Committee’s decision will be final.