1) Is tennis on in the rain?
Yes, we will frequently continue our sessions in the rain and cold conditions. We often change the style of our sessions to suit the conditions that we are playing in. On occasion, we do have to cancel our sessions, and you will be given a credit to your account.
For an indication of what type of conditions we will play in, please view our Weather Chart.
2) Do I have to book onto the sessions?
The long and short of this is yes. This is so that our coaches have an idea of how many players are attending the session and can best plan the appropriate session for the group size. The eariler you do this, the better as it allows us to plan a lot better. It also means that places are garenteed and players not booked on, may not be able to attend the session. If you have any issues with booking, please contact Jamie Walters and we can see what we can sort out.
All of our links can be found in multiple places, the Club website, the WhatsApp Group run by Jamie Walters and on the Kinetic Tennis Website. There is a help sheet on the Kinetic Tennis website should you have any issues.
3) Are Sessions Indoors?
Most of our sessions are outdoors, with the exception of a few sessions. So please come in appropriate attire.
4) What do we need to bring?
The only expectation for our sessions is that you have sporting attire, have a water bottle, and any medication that may be required. We are able to supply all other equipment and there is no expectation for you to have your own racket. If you would like your own, you are more than welcome to bring it, and our coaches will be able to best advise the type of racket most suitable for you.
5) How much are the sessions?
Prices of the sessions are dependant upon whether you are a member or non-member and paying for the sessions on a block booking or pay per play basis. Prices range from £7-£11/hour for group sessions and £15-£45 for individual sessions.
6) Do I get a refund for cancelled sessions?
All refunds are in line with our refund policy. However, once you have booked a session you are expected to attend that session, if not you would lose that payment. In specific circumstances, credits will be given back to your account to use for future bookings. These credits last for 3 months.
7) I couldnt log on and book a session, do I still have to pay the pay per play rate and the £1.00 admin charge?
The long and short of this is yes. Any time there is no, booking, we have to manually add you to our registers which incurs further costs for us. If you are having issues with the booking system, please contact us and we will look to resolve this as soon as possible.