
Saturday Junior Groups News

Welcome to Autumn Term Tennis!

For those of you that don't know, sadly after nine years at Amherst, Louis has left us to spend more time with his family. We will miss him on court!

Sessions this term will run as before except for the Green/Yellow Ball session which will start at 10:45am to allow time for payments etc.

We will trial this term and later on we may change the times a little to run the sessions one after another or find another coaching assistant to help out.

Ivy and Matilda have committed to help this term again so that is great news. And also our Academy Player Tom, who has completed his LTA Tennis Leaders Award, will help out when he can.

We will still run these sessions as Pay & Play. You can pay cash, card or online direct from the website or QR code.

Helen will take Tiny Tots payments at the beginning of the session and payments for the other groups as usual at 10:30am in the clubhouse.

Please can you sign in your child's name and payment method at the beginning of the session.

Lastly, we need to update our contact numbers for you so please can you fill in and return the registration form – we need to have this information if you wish to leave the club during the session.


Thank you and looking forward to a great term of tennis!




Helen Almond

Club Coach, Amherst LTC