Welcome to Ampthill Great Park Tennis Club



Ampthill Great Park Tennis Club is a newly registered LTA venue and comprises two hard courts within the beautiful Ampthill Great Park setting. It is a joint venture between Ampthill Town Council & Just Brooke Tennis.

The courts are a public place to play being open and free to all.  

We aim to provide a friendly, safe and sociable place to play for residents and families within the local area.



For more information, please contact:

Head Coach - Justin Brooke

T: 07807 721810

E: justin@justbrooketennis.com

W: www.justbrooketennis.com 



Join Us!

See all the membership packages available from simply booking a court 7 days in advance to getting more involved in club life!

How to find us

Ampthill Great Park Tennis Club
Ampthill Great Park Tennis Club, Woburn Road
MK45 2HX

Get directions

Our Partners

Ampthill Town Council
Just Brooke Tennis