Opt in for the club to receive Wimbledon Tickets

The number of Wimbledon tickets we're allocated each year is greater if we have more people 'opted-in', so please do so if you haven't yet, by 14th Feb. Details on how to do this below.

The club will host an event in April or May when we pull names out of a hat to decide who gets the tickets (first out gets first choice etc). There is no commitment until you are offered an actual ticket (they come in pairs), and you accept. You would then need to pay the price of the ticket you choose.


1. For the minority who have yet done so, you need to join the LTA. It is free. Click on the 'Join' button top right on the LTA home page: https://www.lta.org.uk/. Scroll down the page and select 'Lite membership'. Being a member gives you occasional updates about happenings in the tennis world, among other benefits. The membership website for the LTA is called 'British Tennis' and you become a 'British Tennis Member' when you join this.

2. Second, opt-in to the Wimbledon Ballot. Click on your initials at the top right of page when you have logged into British Tennis, and select 'Members Home'. In the main body of the page that comes up you'll find a Wimbledon Ballot news item. Clicking here is the way to opt in.

Please get in touch if you have any trouble doing this.