Court Use

There is currently no need to book - but please don't exceed 90 mins per session if the courts are busy, and always check that the courts are not being used for the activities below. Also check here in case courts have been booked for other events.

If you play with a guest, note that you can play with a guest three times (record any guests' names and email address for insurance purposes - in the guest book).

Monday 1600 - 1900 Junior Coaching 2
Monday 1900 - 2000 Adult Coaching 2
Monday 1800 - 2100 Match Practice 2
Tuesday 1600 - 1900 Junior Coaching
Tuesday 1900 - 2000 Intermediate Adult Coaching 2
Tuesday 2000 - 2100 Doubles Skills & Tactics Coaching 2
Tuesday 1900 - 2100 Social club night 2
Wednesday 1800 - 2200 Match Practice for Team Players 2-4
Thursday 1200 - 1400 Walking Tennis 2-4
Thursday 1900 - 2200 Senior Club Night 4
Friday 1730 - 1830 Junior Club Night 1
Saturday 1300 - 1700 League Matches 2-4
Sunday 1000 - 1200 Sunday Morning Tennis 2-4
Sunday 1300 - 1700 League Matches 2-4