Club Championships


Club Champs 2024

Thank you to everyone who entered the club championships this year. We’re looking forward to all Adult and Junior competitions starting 01 May with the finals taking place for both Adult and Junior Championships finals taking place on Saturday 7th September (weather permitting). Sunday the 8th September 2024 has been set aside as a reserve date. So, if you are entering, please make sure you are available for both dates.

Please find the Adult draws below. Junior Club champ details to follow.

THE RULES – (Adults)

  • All matches are to be best of 3 full sets.
  • Matches are to be organised amongst yourselves. Contact no’s Email addresses of all players taking part will be emailed to all that enter as a separate document.  Please keep in mind many players have holiday plans over the summer months, so we encourage matches to be arranged as far in advance as is practical.
  • All matches are to be played by the deadline dates stipulated for each round.  These deadlines will be published when the drawn is released. Matches not completed by the deadline for each round will result in all those players concerned being withdraw from the Tournament. Please book adequate court time to allow for best of 3 set matches.
  • Matches are to be played with your own balls. Club Champs finals day match balls will be provided by the club.
  • The winning player / pair is responsible for informing the organisers of the match result within 24 hours of the match being played. Results - Google Forms
  • Should you require light tokens, please obtain these in advance at least 48hrs prior to your match. These are available through Ali, or Kev for £ 3.00 per ½ Hour. 
  • Line discrepancy calls – remember is the receivers decision.
  • Should a player be injured during the championships and not able to play by the deadline date for each round , they will have to withdraw, and the opposition will proceed to the next round.

All round must be compelted by the play by date -

  • 1st Round by 30 June 2024
  • Quarter Final by 31 July 2024
  • Semi Final by 31 August 2024


  • All entries MUST be received by the organising committee no later than 23H00 on Sunday 21st April 2024.              ** ENTRIES HAVE NOW CLOSED FOR THIS YEARS CHAMPIONSHIPS ** 


  • There will be a BBQ on finals days with Teas, cakes etc so bring along your family and friends to watch and enjoy a great day of tennis  

If you have any questions with regards to the Annual Club Tournament the please don't hesitate to contact The Club champs Committee on

Good luck to all and enjoy your Tennis

Results - Google Forms


Ladies Singles 

Quarter Finals by 31 Jul  Semi Finals By 31 Aug 2024 Final 7 Sep  Winner
Isabel Briggs  Isabel Briggs     
Victoria Bessonova  Lynsey Allen     
Lynsey Allen       
Laura Campbell  Laura Campbell     
Zara Briggs  Zara Briggs     

Mens Singles 

Quarter Finals by 31 Jul  Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final 7 Sep  Winner
Tom Brook      
Ivan Inchenko      
Matthew Rolfe      
   Anton Guinchard     
Anton Guinchard      
Guy Carling      
Julius Bebick      
Stephen Martell       
Adam Cohen       


Ladies Vets ( 50+ ) 

Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final - 7 Sep 2024 Winner
Ali Lyons     
  Ali Lyons   
Marion Bernard     
Jo Prior     


Mens Vets 

Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final 7 Sep  Winner
Jo Alden    
   Jo Alden   
Lincoln webb    
Stephen Martell    
Ivan Inchenko    

Ladies Doubles Drawn 

Quarter Finals by 31 Jul  Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final 7 Sep  Winner
Maria Mills & Ann Mudd      
Bye Maria Mills & Ann Mudd    
Kay Gobby & Ali Lyons       
   Kay Gobby & Ali Lyons     
Helen Campbell & Marion Bernard       
Jo Prior & Jane Gilmore       
  Jo Prior & Jane Gilmore     
Michelle Perkins & Anne Alderton       
     Jo Prior & Jane Gilmore   
Julie Cook & Leah Jordan  Julie Cook & Leah Jordan     

Mens Doubles Drawn 

Quarter Finals by 31 Jul  Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final 7 Sep  Winner
Jo Alden & Andy Tripp      
  Jo Alden & Andy Tripp    
    Jo Alden & Andy Tripp  
Tim Baldwin & Dave Seddon       
  Tim Baldwin & Dave Seddon     
Dermot Kirk & Andy Ferguson       
  Dermot Kirk & Andy Ferguson     
Kevin Wilks & Julius Bebick       
Jamie Daden & John Lambert       
  Jamie Daden & John Lambert     

Mixed Doubles Drawn 

By 30/06/2024 Quarter Finals by 31 Jul  Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final 7 Sep  Winner
Tim Baldwin & Jane Gilmore  Tim Baldwin & Jane Gilmore       
Victoria Bessanova & Jamie Daden  Jo Prior & Matthew Rolfe       
Jo Prior & Matthew Rolfe        
Dave Seddon & Anne Alderton  Dave Seddon & Anne Alderton       
    Helen Campbell & Andy Tripp    
Helen Campbell & Andy Tripp  Helen Campbell & Andy Tripp       
Julius Bebick & Ali Lyons  Julius Bebick & Ali Lyons       
Dermot Kirk & Marion Bernard  Dermot Kirk & Marion Bernard       
Maria Mills & Stephen Spikings  Maria Mills & Stephen Spikings       
Bye    Jo Alden & Kay Gobby     
Jo Alden & Kay Gobby  Jo Alden & Kay Gobby       

Ladies Doubles Open 

By 30/06/2024 Quarter Finals by 31 Jul  Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final 7 Sep  Winner
Jill Cohen & Dawn Briggs  Jill Cohen & Dawn Briggs       
Harriett Posner & Ellie Martell   Harriett Posner & Ellie Martell       
Halina Tosar &  Kay  Gobby         
Anne Alderton & Ann Mudd  Anne Alderton & Ann Mudd       
Amy Bater & Karen Ferguson         
Jax Brabazon & Ali Lyons   Jo Prior & Helen Campbell      
Jo Prior & Helen Campbell         
Jane Gilmore & Maureen Grant  Jane Gilmore & Maureen Grant       
Laura Campbell & Lauren Chester   Joan O'Connor & Barbara  Lindsay       
Joan O'Connor & Barbara  Lindsay         
Sue Mundy & Felicity Bertin  Sue Mundy & Felicity Bertin      
Leah Jordan & Jasmine Clare         
Bye Maria Mills & Julie Cook       
Maria Mills & Julie Cook         

Mens  Doubles Open 

By 30/06/2024 Quarter Finals by 31 Jul  Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final 7 Sep  Winner
Guy Carling & Adam Cohen  Guy Carling & Adam Cohen       
Chris Guerin  & Martin Allen    Chris Guerin & Martin Allen       
Danny Brennan & Rajesh Patel         
Geoff Allen & Steve Martell  Matt Cannon & Mark Keshishian       
Matt Cannon & Mark Keshishian         
Anton Guinchard & Louis Shoesmith  Anton Guinchard & Louis Shoesmith       
Andy Ferguson & Michael  Ferguson  Andy Ferguson & Michael Ferguson       
Matthew Rolfe & Jo Alden  Matthew Rolfe & Jo Alden       
Kevin Wilks and Greg Blesson         
Tom Brook & Steve Brook  Tom Brook & Steve Brook       
Andy Stutely & Gary Briggs  Andy Stutely & Gary Briggs       

Mixed Doubles  Open

By 30/06/2024 Quarter Finals by 31 Jul  Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final 7 Sep  Winner
Jill Cohen & Louis Shoesmith  Jill Cohen & Louis Shoesmith       
Amy Bater &  Michael Ferguson         
Stephen Martell  & Ellie Martell  Stephen Martell & Ellie Martell       
Lincoln Webb & Leah Jordan        
Danny Brennan & Helen Matthews    Sam Tomlinson & Felicity Bertin      
Sam Tomlinson & Felicity Bertin        
Paul Mudd & Ann Mudd  Martin Allen & Helen Campbell       
Martin Allen & Helen Campbell         
Geoff Allen & Emmy Bier Allen  Geoff Allen & Emmy Bier Allen       
Rajesh Patel  & Helen McBarnet        
Chris Guerin & Lynz Allen  Chris Guerin & Lynz Allen       
Matt Cannon & Ali Lyons        
Jamie Daden & Anne Alderton  Jamie Daden & Anne Alderton      
Mark Keshishian  & Jane Gilmore         
Jo Alden & Laura Campbell   Gary Briggs & Zara Briggs      
Gary Briggs & Zara Briggs         


Club Championship Results over the years

Singles  Ladies Mens  Ladies Vets  Mens Vets
2023 J Brabazon T Brook   J Alden 
2022 I Briggs T Brook    
2021 I Briggs K Bocker   G Dore
2020 - -   -
2019 J Cohen  D Martell   G Bettis
2018 I Briggs K Bocker    G Bettis
2017 E Strong D Bird   G Allen 
2016 I Briggs G Briggs   G Bettis
2015 I Briggs D Bird   G Allen 
2014 I Briggs B Copestick   G Bettis
2013 I Briggs B Copestick   G Bettis
2012 I Briggs      
2011 J Cohen       
2010 J Cohen  B Copestick    
2009 W Copestick B Copestick    
2008 D Briggs G Briggs    
2007 J Gilmore G Briggs    
2006 M Grant S Roberts    
2005 M Wood N Leighton    
2004 M Wood B Copestick    
2003 M Wood      
2002 M Wood C Van Wyk     
2001 M Wood      
2000 S Fitch      


Drawn Doubles  Ladies  Mens  Mixed 
2023 - - -
2021 M Allen & A Morgans  H Dalton & M Ferguson  J Cohen & C Halliday 
2020 - - -
2019 J Cohen & J Rushton Jones  G Dore & A Singer R Rose & A Stutely
2018 J Gilmore & R Rose  M Allen & B Stone  S Blesson & G Bettis 


Open Doubles  Ladies  Mens  Mixed 
2023 J Cohen & D Briggs G Carling & A Cohen  A Morgans & C Mann 
2022 A Morgans & A Styles    
2021 J Cohen & D Briggs I Guest & B Stone I Briggs & G Briggs
2020 - - -
2019 J Cohen & F Myers G Allen & C Bier Allen  R Rose & G Dore
2018 I Briggs & F Myers l Shoesmith & C Sparkes  I Briggs & G Briggs
2017 J Cohen & E Strong  G Allen & G Briggs I Briggs & G Briggs
2016 D Briggs & M Allen  G Allen & I Inchenko  D Briggs & G Blesson 
2015 J Cohen & M Allen  G Dore & A Tripp  
2014 J Cohen & D Mills  G Bettis & A Tripp  
2013 J Cohen & D Mills  G Allen & C Bier Allen  I Briggs & B Fitzgibbon
2012     I Briggs & D Bird
2011   G Bettis & P Oppenheimer  J Cohen & P Oppenheimer 
2004   J Bain & A Wright  
2003 S Blesson & J Gilmore     
2002 M Grant & W Copestick    