Our Membership Code


We operate Safeguarding, Anti-Bullying, Inclusion & Diversity, and Compliments Complaints & Disciplinary policies (view at www.caryparktennis.co.uk).

Failure to adhere to this code may result in the Club cancelling membership or removing an offender from the Club.

Our mission is to encourage enjoyment, friendship, community spirit and support the wellbeing and safeguarding of others. 

Use of the Club’s facilities are fully inclusive and open to the whole Community. 

All Club officers, coaches and appointed volunteers will hold relevant qualifications and be covered by appropriate insurance.

SAFEGUARDING is the responsibility of everyone at the club, not solely the Safeguarding/ Welfare Officer.  Danger to children and vulnerable adults is real so if you observe something that doesn’t seem right don’t "assume nothing has happened" or "decide that it is nothing to do with you” - it is important to report it to the Cary Park Safeguarding Officer no matter how small the concern might seem. 


  • Treat each other with respect (actions as well as words): the wellbeing and safety of players is a priority.
  • Report any Safeguarding concerns or on-site accidents/incidents to the Club’s Welfare Officer or the LTA Safeguarding Team.
  • Respect Club property and equipment (including hired equipment) - returning items and reporting any misuse or damage caused.  Wilful damage or vandalism on the club premises will not be tolerated.
  • Actively discourage unsporting behaviour.
  • Respect other players: if a game is in progress, players should wait for the point to end before crossing to their court or to retrieve your ball.  If somebody is playing on the court that you have booked – please wait for them to finish before gaining entry to the court.
  • Promote the positive aspects of tennis, like fair play, and encourage all to learn the rules, play within them, respecting decisions of officials.
  • Set an example to young players in your own playing behaviour.
  • Recognise good performance, not just match results.
  • Assess themselves whether the courts are safe to play on and take full responsibility for their decision.
  • Not play after dusk on unlit floodlight courts.
  • Only use Floodlights until 9pm on weekdays and never at weekends.
  • Always wear suitable sporting clothing while on site.  Bare-chested play is NOT permitted.
  • Only wear tennis shoes or non-marking trainers on court.
  • ALWAYS use the Club’s toilet facilities, which they should leave in a clean, safe state.
  • Use the hand sanitisers provided or as dictated by events.
  • Not bring pets, bikes, prams, scooters, footballs etc onto the courts.
  • Not consume alcohol, smoke/vape, take performance enhancers or drugs on site.
  • Not chew gum or take hot drinks/glass/cups on the courts.
  • Not consume food in the court area (except in the case of a medical condition).
  • Leave the courts in a tidy condition after play.  (Cleaning equipment is provided outside main entrance to courts.)
  • Remove all rubbish to the bins provided, check/clear any pet waste and take it home.
  • Should make every effort to find ‘lost’ tennis balls.


  • Children under 13 must be supervised by an adult (except with special permission or if taking part in a group coaching session).
  • Juniors may play on courts providing a parent or guardian agrees to discuss the Club’s Membership Code with them and accepts responsibility for their actions. The Club insurance will only be valid if this procedure is followed.


  • Keys to access club premises can be purchased by Members. Keys must be held secure and returned when membership ceases.  New Members will be given the keypad code to the middle gate and the toilet.  All Court gates should be closed during play.  Upon completion of play, the last member on court should close the middle gate, make sure the Clubhouse/toilet are locked and ensure the side gate at the bottom of the drive is shut too.
  • Members are more than welcome to make themselves a cup of tea/coffee. Please remember to make sure all dishes are washed up and left to drain and ensure tables and worktops have been wiped down etc. A suggested donation is expected to be made to our Club honesty box.


  • The public and Members are reminded that all courts MUST BE BOOKED on our website prior to playing. This is a safeguarding requirement so that we know who is playing on courts at all times.  Please always remember to play on the court that you have booked and be aware if somebody else is waiting to play after you – stick to your allotted time!
  • To book a court use our website www.caryparktennis.co.uk or, Adults use:


  • And if you’re a parent booking on behalf of a Junior use:


  • Please always remember to cancel your court should you no longer need it. This allows other Members to book and use the court.
  • Please contact committee@caryparktennis.co.uk if you have any queries/problems.


  • Members can purchase floodlight tokens during the winter for £1.50 per token (token costs will be subject to a regular review). Please contact Adrian Knott adrianknott50@gmail.com  07929 031854 or Mike Coleman mike@reliantmetal.co.uk  07967 612341 (committee members Paula Hill, Di Sealey, Sam Knapman, Barry Smith also have access to the tokens).
  • We strongly recommend that you buy your tokens in bulk, in advance, giving adequate notice when purchasing.
  • Floodlights cannot be used after 9pm on weekdays or at any time during the weekends.


  • Guests are welcome to come along and play with adult members. All guests must abide by Club rules (The Membership Code).
  • Guests must pay a flat rate of £5 per session - either by BACS to Barclays Bank, Account No. 30979619 Sort Code: 20-60-88 (please indicate payment as guest fee) or place cash in a named envelope in the honesty/suggestion box situated underneath the floodlight token box.
  • This invited guest fee is payable for up to 3 visits only, after which the guest will be invited to join the Club. 
  • Juniors can also bring a friend along for a flat fee £1 (please place cash in a named envelope in the honesty/suggestion box). 
  • It is the responsibility of the member who has invited the guest to ensure that the fee is paid.  Fees will be reviewed/checked regularly.

