History of the Club


Cranbrook Castle Lawn Tennis Club was formed by prominent local citizens in 1921 to provide tennis and social facilities for residents of the estates being built in the local area. The club name was extended to include 'and Social' in the 70's to reflect the expansion of club activities.

The club took its name from an original three sided 'Cranbrook Castle' which stood on the PLA Sports Ground until 1923, a folly built by Sir Charles Raymond in 1765 (shown above)

History of Cranbrook Castle

Due to the WW1 St. Andrews Club closed, a new club was needed and a few of the old members got together to start a new club.

9th Nov. 1920

First meeting held at Bethel Ave. to decide to form a tennis club. P. Griggs, J. W. Griggs, J. H. Platford and P.V. Faning were present.

30th Nov. 1920

Second meeting - a provisional committee formed.

4th Jan. 1921

Cranbrook Castle Lawn Tennis Courts Ltd. was incorporated.

Registered office was at The Cranbrook Castle Estate Office in St. Andrews Rd.

Original 5 subscribers were – Percy Faning, Arthur Green, Albert Griggs, John Griggs and John Platford

18th Jan. 1921

Third meeting to set up club

Membership – 6 gents and 8 ladies.

Club colours – olive green and white

 Laying of 3 grass courts - £126/2/6 agreed.

Jan. 1921   

Purchase of ½ acre of land between St Andrews Road and Cranbrook Castle at a cost £400 for 3 grass courts and clubhouse

7th Feb, 1921

Fourth meeting - Major J W H Thompson accepted Presidency of Club.

 NO SUNDAY play allowed.

28th Feb. 1921

Purchase 40 feet of land cost of £95/5/0 for a fourth court.

7th March 1921

First A.G.M. (80 people present) - Recommendation to join Essex League.

 Subs. 3 Guineas (£3/3shillings)

7th May 1921

Opening Day - Opening Day was supposed to be in April but delayed because of very dry weather.

The Wooden clubhouse in photo which was still standing in the 1970s.

Nov. 1921

Purchase of 66 feet x 119 feet of land for £158