What We Offer

Thank you for your interest in our club.  We are located in Three Bridges with easy access by road (on-site parking, bus stops nearby) and rail (we’re under a 10 minute walk from Three Bridges station).  

We are a friendly, welcoming club with members of mixed ability aged from eight to eighty.   We all share the same goal of enjoying playing tennis.  

We offer the chance to play at all levels from social tennis at one of our many regular weekly club sessions to competitive tennis with club teams in county leagues.  In between these levels we run club leagues and tournaments to enable players to mix and develop their competitive edge.  

Our Director Of Tennis has developed a comprehensive programme of group coaching sessions for adults and children.  Sessions are available at convenient times during the working week and at weekends.  The coaching team are able to offer coaching specific to your needs (individuals, families or small groups) too.  

Our facilities are some of the best in the area.  We have indoor and outdoor courts enabling members to play all year round.  

Take a look at the other pages in this section to find out more about what we can offer and what it will cost.  

To learn more about us please choose an item from the sub-menu bar above (Our Facilities, Play, Compete, Subscriptions etc.)

We look forward to welcoming you to our club soon.  

See below for 12-month and 4-month membership packages.  Join now by selecting the appropriate membership package from the choices below.

Note that details of a responsible adult must be provided for our junior members.  If you do not have an existing LTA account you will be directed to the LTA site to create the account for the responsible adult in preparation for the membership application.  Once the account has been created you will be able to complete the membership application for your junior(s).

To find out about our monthly or bi-monthly membership packages please contact the Membership Secretary.

If you wish to switch your membership package please contact the Membership Secretary.


A12.Junior U12 - 12 Month

12 months membership

A 12-month Junior membership. This membership enables the junior to receive coaching using our club facilities. The junior may also use our courts to play tennis outside of coaching. A responsible adult should always be in attendance.

Eligibility: Junior Under 12 - Age as at the start of the membership period

Join now

A4.Junior U12 - 4 Month

4 months membership

A 4-month Junior membership. This membership enables the junior to receive coaching using our club facilities. The junior may also use our courts to play tennis outside of coaching. A responsible adult should always be in attendance.

Eligibility: Junior Under 12 - Age as at the start of the membership period

Join now

AH.Junior Parent (Hitting Partner)

12 months membership

Be a hitting partner at the Crawly Lawn Tennis Club for your child and make the most of their junior coaching experience.

Eligibility: A Responsible Adult of a Junior member at Crawley Lawn Tennis Club.

Join now

B12.Junior U16 - 12 Month

12 months membership

A 12-month Junior membership. This membership enables the junior to receive coaching using our club facilities. The junior may also use our courts to play tennis outside of coaching. A responsible adult should always be in attendance.

Eligibility: Junior Under 16 - Age as at the start of the membership period

Join now

B4.Junior U16 - 4 Month

4 months membership

A 4-month Junior membership. This membership enables the junior to receive coaching using our club facilities. The junior may also use our courts to play tennis outside of coaching. A responsible adult should always be in attendance.

Eligibility: Junior Under 16 - Age as at the start of the membership period

Join now

C12.Student U18 - 12 Month

12 months membership

A Student under-18 12-month membership. This has an annual subscription of £104, with a £25 discount for timely renewal.

Eligibility: Student Under 18 - Age as at the start of the membership period

Join now

C4.Student U18 - 4 Month

4 months membership

A Student under-18 4 month membership. This has a subscription of £47, with a £15 discount for timely renewal.

Eligibility: Student Under 18 - Age as at the start of the membership period

Join now

D12.Student U23 - 12 Month

12 months membership

A Student under-23 12 month membership. This has an annual subscription of £140, with a £25 discount for timely renewal.

Eligibility: Student Under 23 - Age as at the start of the membership period

Join now

D4.Student U23 - 4 Month

4 months membership

A Student under-23 4 month membership. This has a subscription of £60, with a £15 discount for timely renewal.

Eligibility: Student Under 23 - Age as at the start of the membership period

Join now

E12.Adult - 12 Month

12 months membership

An adult 12-month membership package. The annual subscription is £355, with a £25 discount for timely renewal.

Eligibility: Adult - Age as at the start of the membership period

Choose payment option

Join now

E4.Adult - 4 Month

4 months membership

An adult 4-month membership package. The subscription is £140, with a £15 discount for timely renewal.

Eligibility: Adult - Age as at the start of the membership period

Join now

ECA.Adult Coaching Access

12 months membership

Providing 12 month access to adult coaching at Crawley Lawn Tennis Club

Eligibility: Non CLTC members receiving adult coaching at CLTC club

Join now

F12. Senior - 12 Month

12 months membership

A 12-month senior membership. The subscription is £298, with a £25 discount for timely renewal.

Eligibility: Over 66 - Age as at the start of the membership period.

Choose payment option

Join now

F4. Senior - 4 Month

4 months membership

A 4-month senior membership. The subscription is £115, with a £15 discount for timely renewal.

Eligibility: Over 66 - Age as at the start of the membership period.

Join now

G12.Family - 12 Month

12 months membership

A 12-month Family membership. This has a subscription of £592, with a £25 discount for timely renewal.

Eligibility: Two adults and any children under the age of 18 of either adult, all of whom must be living at the same address.

Choose payment option

Join now

G4.Family - 4 Month

4 months membership

A 4-month Family membership. This has a subscription of £235, with a £15 discount for timely renewal.

Eligibility: Two adults and any children under the age of 18 of either adult, all of whom must be living at the same address.

Join now

H12.Single Adult Family - 12 Month

12 months membership

A 12-month Single Adult Family membership. This has an annual subscription of £371, with a £25 discount for timely renewal.

Eligibility: A single adult and any children under the age of 18, all of whom must be living at the same address.

Choose payment option

Join now

H4.Single Adult Family - 4 Month

4 months membership

A 4-month Single Adult Family membership. This has a subscription of £155, with a £15 discount for timely renewal.

Eligibility: A single adult and any children under the age of 18, all of whom must be living at the same address.

Join now


12 months membership

A 12-month membership inclusive of personal indoor court fees during off-peak hours - Monday to Friday up to 6pm. This has an annual subscription of £670, with a £25 discount for timely renewal.

Join now


12 months membership

A 12-month membership package inclusive of all personal indoor court fees. This has an annual subscription of £830, with a £25 discount for timely renewal.

Join now


12 months membership

12-month non-playing social membership

Eligibility: Over 18

Join now