Court Code
When driving into the Club, please drive slowly through to the club parking area, and please give way to residents at all times.
The courts can be used at any time during daylight hours, plus up to 22.00 with floodlights (which switch off automatically at this time). Please respect all the neighbours, particularly when using the courts in the early morning or late in the evening, by avoiding excessive noise.
Court Code
Please respect the following :
- Tennis shoes to be worn when using the tennis courts - no coloured soles as they mark the courts
- Home Team League Matches take prededence, so please check the website for dates. These take place mainly on Monday or Tuesday evenings or at weekends during the winter months (Court 3 is usually free)
- Do your utmost to avoid taking mud/grass cuttings onto the courts via your shoes
- No glass or crockery should be taken onto the courts
- Definitely, no dogs on the courts.
- It should rarely be necessary to alter the height of the net. Please always return to the correct height – a marker stick is available for checking
- A Member who brings along a playing visitor is responsible for collecting the £5 playing visitor fee (£1 for juniors) and passing the money onto the Treasurer or a Committee Member (or via the Honesty Box). The Visitor's book in the Clubhouse must be completed with the date, name of visitor and member. Once visitors have played on 3 occasions they are asked to join (up to 3 such fees can be discounted from the annual fee).
- The gate padlock number(s) must not to be disclosed to a non-member.
- When leaving the courts, please hook up the nets (this is to protect the edges from fraying) and collect all balls and personal property. Remember to close and lock the gate if you are last on court and switch off lights if used.
- Please make every effort to keep the courts free of litter and debris (stones, twigs etc) to protect the playing surface as well as players. Please do help by removing any found – there is a brush in the clubhouse or even a leaf vacuum in the shed behind.
- As a small and friendly Club, we want to avoid the use of a formal booking process and rely on Members' courtesy to ensure everyone has a fair amount of time on court. Members are therefore kindly asked to respect the following policy:
- Courts are available on a turn-up and play basis. If the courts are occupied, those players on court who have been playing the longest should give way to the new arrivals at a natural break in the game and should endeavour not to keep new arrivals waiting more than approximately 30 minutes. Where possible, members should consider forming doubles teams to give as many people as possible some play on court.
Thank you