Mini Tennis

As a Mini Tennis Accredited Club, we run our sessions along the LTA guidelines. The Mini Tennis Programme helps the young or inexperienced junior players to learn the skills and tactics of the game through achievable targets, regardless of their age or ability.

They will have all the features of the real game, but with a racket they can hold, a ball that bounces less high and on a playing area that they can cover. The court size and ball speed increases as junior players progress through the different stages. Players will progressively achieve racket control and learn how to rally, serve, volley at the net, keep score and compete.

All the elements of mini tennis are designed to provide the growing tennis player a quality experience and desire to play tennis for life.

Our Mini Red Programme helps young junior players to achieve the fundamentals of tennis including coordination, balance, agility and receptive skills - all within a fun environment. Low compression red balls, lower nets and smaller rackets are used, and as skills improve, juniors will progress to the next stage.

Our Mini Orange Programme is played on a three-quarter length court with low compression balls. In these sessions the junior players continue to improve their physical skills, while starting to develop tactical and technical aspects.

Our Mini Green Programme is for junior players who wish to further advance their tennis skills to play on a full size court with mid-compression balls, which will start to prepare them for the full game.

Further information on mini tennis is available here mini tennis.

Further information on our Mini Tennis coaching programme is available from Head Coach, Greg Watson, on 07779 103842 or e-mail