East Hoathly & Halland Tennis Club


Welcome to our website. As a visitor to our site you will be able to see all that East Hoathly & Halland Tennis Club has to offer and can use the Membership tab above to join our club.

Existing members will find it easier to access information, renew membership and book courts.
Please see the relevant links above for further information and updates on our Facebook page.



About our club

A friendly, welcoming and thriving tennis club, East Hoathly & Halland has something for everyone, with three floodlit hard courts for social and competitive play catering for all standards, including adults and juniors.

Friendly games, club sessions, coaching sessions, fun tournaments and match practices are on offer and the club enters two ladies and one men’s team in the Sussex League in the Summer and Winter seasons, plus two teams in the Summer Horam League. In addition, social events are arranged throughout the year.

Come and visit our club to find out more about the benefits of playing tennis at East Hoathly.

How to find us

East Hoathly & Halland Tennis Club
The Playing Fields, London Road

Get directions