
Booking and Cancellation Policy

Due to current demand, we've updated our booking and cancellation policy.

Bookings can be made by contacting myself ( or by messaging the "Meston Performance Coaching" page on Facebook. For sessions at The Meadows please note that there may be additional court-hire fees after 12PM during the week, clients can book the courts using the Edinburgh Leisure website (here). Sessions must be paid in advance unless discussed otherwise. For details on costs and packages, please see the "Prices" tab for more information. 

Please understand that session times are very limited, and we currently have a waiting list for some slots. If you must cancel your appointment, out of respect for our coaches and other clients we ask for 12 hours notice so the slot can be offered to someone else. Missed appointments, or appointments cancelled without 12 hours notice, will incur a fee of £15 (50%). If you're running late, please contact the coach and let him/her know as the team will generally wait for a maximum of 10-15 minutes.

In the event of bad weather there are no cancellation fees.