Magdalen Park Lawn Tennis Club is an inclusive and diverse club, and we welcome players of all ages, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation to join.

The general standard of play at the club is high, and we encourage intermediate through to advanced and professional players to join. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept beginners.


Becoming a member

We currently have a waiting list for full membership.

If you are interested in joining the waiting list, please email


Membership types and fees

Learn more about our memberships and prices


Play as a guest

Members may bring guests. Guest fees must be paid before their session. Read more.


Junior - 13 - 17 24/25

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Juniors between 13 and 17

Join now

Junior - under 13 24/25

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Juniors under 13

Join now