As well as booking your own courts there are a number of club sessions which are open to all members*.

The turn up and play session are exactly that - just come along and join in.  On Saturdays, a host member organises short 25 minute doubles games matching players of similar standards.  All are welcome, however good you are. 

There are also organised social sessions (often involving a cup of tea as well as the tennis) on Tuesday and Friday mornings.  These are run by volunteer members who organise games a month or so in advance.  Contact details are shown at the bottom of the page.

Tuesday and Thursday evenings are practice nights for our men's and women's teams.

The Tuesday and Friday morning sessions are open to all club members and are pre-arranged. If you'd like to come along to play in these, please email Audrey Pike at .

*The Saturday afternoon session is not open to weekday members.