Token Sellers:
Sue, Claire, Ruth and Graham. Please try and catch our sellers whilst they are at the club, social tennis and matches or make arrangements well in advance to have tokens available within the group/s you play with.
TOKENS cost just £1 each and gives 20 minutes play per court (or 25 minutes on court 4).
- Feed the tokens gently into the side slot of the token meter (in the main room), one at a time, ensuring the digits light up on the display, before feeding the next token in.
- On court, a FIVE minute red warning light will light up on one of the lighting pillars to indicate time is nearly up. (Court 4's does not have a warning light and court 3 has one floodlight out but is playable).
- When time is up, 3 lights will switch off, leaving one egress light on for a further 5 minutes.
- Once any lights have gone out, there is a 20 minute bulb protection cool down time built into the system, that will delay the lights from coming back on (for 20 minutes).
- The lights are set to turn off automatically at 9.30pm to comply with planning permission - there may be a substantial fine from the council if this is not adhered to.
Occassionally there are unforseen problems caused by local power outages that can affect the clock settings - please report any unexpected lights on/off, before/after 9.30pm so the clock can be readjusted.