Captains' and Players' Responsibilites

Interclub Matchplay Policy

Captains’ Roles and Responsibilities

Captains are expected to ensure the following activities happen. They may attend to these themselves but can delegate tasks among their team members to enable the process is carried out smoothly.

  • Read the SDLTA BYE-LAWS (especially just before the start of a league) and ensure you and your team adhere to these.
  • Consult with other captains and the match secretary when forming squads (that enable a fair allocation of matches are available to members without discrimination - shared amongst all members of different ages and abilities).
  • Plan matches and players in a timely manner using squad players (and avoid disrupting other squads)
  • Allow your mobile number (and optionally, email address) to be used by the league for team contact by other clubs
  • Book courts.
  • Arrange to have floodlighting available if needed for matches.
  • Organise rotas for refreshments where necessary.
  • Collect match fees and pay these in by BACS within 2 weeks of  completion of the last league match for the team.
  • Complete matchcards (home & away) and send a photo via the the WhatsApp Matchcard group.
  • For SDLTA home matches, input the result on the LTA Scoreboard within 3 days.
  • For Works Leagues home matches, send photo to the league secretary.
  • Report back difficulties to the match secretary/committee. (Eg. Player conduct, squad depletion).
  • Put all the used match balls into the club's social tennis stock.

In return, captains will be supported by the club and should expect the support of their players and are entitled to play every match for their team.

Club and squad player responsibilities

  • Remember everyone is there to enjoy a game of tennis, including your captain – good manners are a must.
  • Appreciate that a lot of voluntary effort has gone on behind the scenes to put on a match – reply promptly to texts enquiring about your availability for a match/matches as best you can at the time.
  • Arrive for matches, on time so captains can enjoy their warm-up as oppose to fretting and chasing up missing players.
  • Regularly bring refreshments so this aspect of hospitality doesn’t rely on the same player/s or the captain. 
  • Arrange a BACS transfer for your £4 match fee promptly to the team captain or bring the required £4 match fee on the day. Any outstanding fees must be paid to your captain, within 1 week of complettion of the last match for the team.
  • Floodlighting is free for matches.
  • Report back difficulties to the match secretary/committee. (eg. Concern about the number of matches you are offered).

Copy of Summer SDLTA match card blank.

Copy of Works League match card blank.

Copy of the Winter SDLTA match card blank.