WINTER SEASON 2024/25 SOCIAL TENNIS PROGRAMMES November 2024 to April 2025



There is a taster session at the Leisure Centre, indoors. You will need to book a place with their reception desk -see below.

We have 16 pickleball paddles and balls for members to try out the sport and will be looking at building a PICKLEBALL PROGRAMME for this exciting, friendly, popular new sport that has already swept the USA.

CHILD PLAYERS (age 11 and under) Child players are expected to be supervised . The club offers a range of very low cost memberships for adult family members to play alongside or with their young player, in a supervisary capacity. Check out our 'Young Family Membership' package. Book your courts on the free online booking page to guarantee a court.  Alternatively you may like to join in with Sunday Morning Family Tennis.


Book your courts  on the free online booking page to guarntee a court or attend our club run free Sunday Morning Family Tennis

JUNIORS  (age 12-17) 

Junior players aged 12-17  need no supervision. However, parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring courts are booked on behalf of their young player including ALL players on that booking. Click on the link to find the range of organised club sessions also availble for juniors.

If online booking problems are encountered, contact your booking administrator - Claire by text on 07577 040409 who will be able to make a booking and confirmation email on your behalf.  We have experieced some online technical difficulties with U18 bookings.

FULL ADULT MEMBERS, STUDENTS 18+ , ADULTS 18+ with an impairment

For private games please remember to book a court on the free online booking page to guarantee your court. Click on the link to see the range of options available.

The Sunday morning sessions will each move forward by an hour for winter, from October to avoid occasional early morning frosting on the courts following cold frosty nights then move back an hour in the summer, from May to avoid sunburn/hotter times of the day for our youngest little players.