1. SINGLES LADDER : Adults / Junior16+ / younger Juniors playing for adult teams

Please register your interest by emailing  or  text 07577 040409.

This ladder is open to Adult Members and includes players age 16+ or younger juniors who are already playing for adult teams or are due to do so. 

Players joining for the first time are asked to help  determine their own ability by choosing from the following categories: Beginner, Improver, Confident, Elite.  All players who have previously taken part in the 2020 BOX LEAGUES last year will be placed on the ladder based on their previous results.

Players will need to be prepared to share their contact number via the ladder administrator or by joining one of the club's WhatsApp groups so as to arrange their own matches.

The format is two  tie-break sets; if the score is one set each, a decider champions tie-break game to 10 points will be played.

Players MUST bring a minimum of TWO  reasonable condition tennis balls each  to share the cost of playing.



A singles ladder for junior and older mini tennis players will be launched shortly.


Check the court bookings for - Rachel, Sue, Graham, Ruth and Claire W -  who all have a cardboard box with tubes of brand new match quality balls.