
The club is run primarily on a voluntary basis and depends on the energy and enthusiasm of its members. If you are a type of person who likes 'getting involved' we'd love to hear from you.

We welcome any help, as little or as much as much as you are able to give.  Whether you can just help for an hour at the sign in desk at our next open day, or slowly get involved with other club activities, your support is always welcomed

Each of our volunteers are highly valued and essential to ensure the club runs effectively.  Our volunteer group help us with a range of activities from organising the tennis and squash activities, maintaining and improving our facilities, running social events, and many more.

Volunteering provides a great way of meeting new people, as well as providing an opportunity to develop skills, enhance CVs, and contribute to improved health and self-confidence

If you are keen to join our team, please contact Club Chairman Wendy Norris via email wendy171911@gmail.com