Datchworth Autumn League

The Autumn Datchworth League is a team of 2 ladies plus 2 men.
You play 4 mixed, plus 1 ladies doubles and 1 mens doubles, with each match played for 13 games (regardless) and a 7-point tie-break if the score reaches 6-6.
Welwyn normally enters 6 teams and the match fees are £3.50 for each person per competitive match against another team.
This league is very popular with our members.
Captains Guide
We rely 100% on our Captains to run the teams. Familiarise yourself with the Captain's Guide which contains useful guidance for all the Team Tournaments.
For more information about the Datchworth Leagues
Ensure you send a copies of the match cards to wtcmatchfees@gmail.com and remind your team to make their match fee payments without delay.