Datchworth Summer League - Monday Evenings

The Datchworth Summer League is a great "local" competition comprising 14 divisions. Welwyn enter 8 teams at levels to support all standards of play. Certainly the most popular team competition amongst our members.
The season starts in Mid-April and runs every Monday thereafter for 14 weeks.
Players will not be representing their team every week as each squad will be of sufficient size. Therefore do not be concerned if you are not available every Monday evening as the team captain will select from the available players each week.
A team for each match consists of 1 lady and 2 men. You play 2 mixed doubles and 1 men's doubles "rubbers".
Each rubber is 13 games, regardless of the final score, with a 7-point tiebreak played as the decisive 13th game if the score reaches 6-6.
Match fees are just £2.50 per match or £1.50 for juniors. These are payable via bank transfer as per our current policy.
Welwyn enter 8 teams, with 4 teams at home and 4 away each Monday. Start time is normally 6:30pm for each match although some clubs start at 6pm for the first few matches if they do not have floodlights.
Datchworth match teams currently play 2 men and 1 lady (Format "M" in the table below). This format is up for debate at the 2024 AGM. They will then decide whether to also play 2 ladies and 1 man (Format "L" in the table). In that case some Mondays would be played in Format "M" and some Mondays in Format "L". Watch this space!
Captains Guide
We rely 100% on our Captains to run the teams. Familiarise yourself with the Captain's Guide which contains useful guidance for all the Team Tournaments.
For more information about the Datchworth Leagues
Ensure you send a copies of the match cards to wtcmatchfees@gmail.com and remind your team to make their match fee payments without delay.