Club Tournaments and Inter-Club Team Leagues

Spring/Summer Inter-Club Team Leagues
Applications for 2024 CLOSED
Autumn/Winter Inter-Club Team Leagues
(Applications open in July)
Spring/Summer WTC Open Club Championships
Entries for 2024 now CLOSED
Format & Honours see Welwyn Open Club Championships
Mens Singles Ladies Singles Mens Doubles
Ladies Doubles
Mixed Doubles
Autumn/Winter WTC Club Vets Championships
(Entries normally open in July)
Format & Honours see Welwyn Veterans Club Championships
Mens Vets Singles Ladies Vets Singles Mens Vets Doubles
Ladies Vets Doubles Mixed Vets Doubles SuperVets Mens Singles
SuperVets Ladies Singles SuperVets Mens Doubles SuperVets Ladies Doubles SuperVets Mixed Doubles
Other Welwyn Club Tournaments
- From January thru March WTC run the TransAm24 Winter Club Mixed Doubles
- Throughout the year (operating around other competitions) is the CDL Men's Challenge Doubles Ladder
- In the Autumn is our annual one-day handicapped mixed doubles Mac's Charity Tournament
Welwyn Team Practice
- Men's Doubles Match Practice is for any full member who plays in any Inter-Club competition. This is weekly on Thursday evenings from 7:30pm throughout the year. Contact the Men's Captain for details.
- Similarly, Ladies Practice is scheduled every Tuesday evening, also from 7:30pm. Contact the Ladies Captain for details.