Advance booking
- Advance bookings for courts may be made by ClubSpark registered users who have purchased an annual membership pass package. Further information is available on the relevant ClubSpark pages.
- Pay and Play registered members can book a court up to 3 days in advance.
- Anyone may become a registered player by registering via ClubSpark. This registration enables the booker to make advanced court bookings.
- Advance bookings can only be made by the registered player; no player can register on ClubSpark twice. Duplicate accounts will be deleted.
- Players may be asked to show a City of London Officer their proof of court booking. At the time of booking ClubSpark will send an email confirmation of the booking to the contact email address which was used when they registered with ClubSpark.
- Members with an Individual Membership Pass, can make up to three 1x hour bookings in a seven day rolling period.
- All bookings must be paid for in advance of the tennis court being used. This payment must be completed through ClubSpark
- If a player cancels a court booking they will be liable for the court fee if cancelled under 24 hours from the time of the allocated booking slot. If the courts are closed at the direction of a City of London Officer, then the court booking fees will be refunded by the City of London through ClubSpark. A refund will be applied to the card which was used at the time of booking (it may take up to ten working days for this refund to show on the payment method)
- A vacant court can be booked for immediate play by a registered member through ClubSpark