How to access Squash Booking

1) To book Squash Courts you must be a paid up Full/Rackets or Squash member at West heaton.

If you are a Squash Member your booking access is automatic, please visit our How To Book page for more information.

If you are a Rackets Member then the process is a little difference due to technical reasons. Please follow steps 2-5 below.

2) Apply for Squash Booking using our Membership page.

3) Once your payment details have been confirmed Squash Booking Access will be aded to your account manually. Since we are all volunteers, it will not be immediate, please accept our apologies.

Please note: 'Squash Booking' will appear as a secondary profile (like a junior would) in your account. Please do not edit this information - this is an add-on so you can access the squash courts.

4) When you log in you will automatically be on tennis booking access and you will see padlocks on the squash courts. To book a squash court please:

a) Select your name (top right on desktop, main menu on phone)

b) In the drop down you will see ‘Squash Booking’. Click that.  For those with children added to their account, it's the same process as you would use to access their bookings.


c) Navigate to 'Book a court' (main menu)

d) You’ll notice the squash courts can now be booked, but the tennis courts have locks on.

5) To switch back to book for tennis click your name and navigate to 'book a court' again.

This workaround is because we need to keep allocations for squash and tennis separated, and Clubspark do not currently allow us to do that any other way. This will hopefully chnage in the future.

If you think you should be able to access squash, and have done all the above (please be awae this is not an automated process, so it will not be immediate) please contact