LTA Youth Orange

What is LTA Youth Orange?

All the skills they’ve been learning are turning them into tennis Titans. Time to throw in some tactics, extra techniques, problem-solving and leadership too; they’re becoming Mini Muzza’s before your eyes.

  • Softer balls and modified court size
  • ABCs development (Agility, Balance and Co-ordination)
  • Developing a consistant serve, rallying, and scoring
  • Focus more on technique and tactics

What can you expect?

At the Orange stage, children learn the rules & scoring to play the game from serve & return. Coaches will support children to grow their motor skills (orientation, hand-eye coordination, running & moving) to play in a dynamic environment. At the Orange stage children will increase proficiency, problem-solving skills & learn sportsmanship.

Use the links below to book your class:

Monday 4.00pm-5.00pm (Advanced)

Wednesday 4.30pm-5.30pm

Thursday 4.00-5.00pm

Friday 4.30pm-5.30pm