
Players of any age can find events to compete in at the club.

All members are encouraged to enter our annual Club Championship, with a Finals Day in September. 

You can follow the progress of members in the 2024 draws here: LTA - Tennis for Britain - Almondsbury & Bradley Stoke Club Championship - Draws 

Members should add their results to the shared document on the members private Championships page. Results will then be transferred to the publicly available draw.

Any member is welcome to join our singles box league, which runs throughout the year. We have players of all abilities in the boxes,  so you will be able to get some good games whatever your level. An excellent way to meet people other players and get some match play.

We run junior and senior teams in the Avon County Leagues and National League throughout the year.

To support the leagues there's a weekly senior match practice on Tuesday evenings from 6pm . New players are always welcome and anyone wanting to play in a team should contact team captains Dylan Byrne, Becci Quick or Mark Lennon in the first instance.  Coach Emma Nicholls assists at these sessions and Head Coach Toby Huddlestone runs advanced group coaching sessions on Friday evenings to support the teams.

There are various junior LTA approved tournaments each year, the biggest is the Grade 4 Almondsbury Junior Tournament, which runs for a week in August - this year it runs from 15th Aug.

Our junior players take part in Winter & Summer Leagues, the Road to Wimbledon competition and various tournaments. Several of our older juniors play in the  box league and senior league teams as our policy is to play people on merit and not on age or seniority within the club. To get involved contact Head Coach Toby Huddlestone.

See the links at the top of the page for further League and Tournament information.