14 Oct 23
- Apologies
Amanda McVey, Suzanne Webb, Mary Jane Murray, Vasilka Woods.CH informed the committee that VW had decided to stand down from the committee as she was currently unable to play. CH thanked VW for all her work with teams, social tennis and editing the website and wished her a speedy recovery.
- Minutes of 27.4.23 Meeting
The minutes were accepted as accurate and signed by CH.
- Matters Arising
CH explained that Cameo Engravings had added ‘In Memory of Liz Maunder’ to the Spring Cup thereby retaining the current inscriptions. Discussion followed around the awarding of individual shields. It was felt these were costly and unnecessary.
ACTION: Future awards will not include individual shields.
CH praised the work of Kelly Hunter and AR School PTA in organising the Wimbledon experience in July. MM and CH had both supported the event on the day and SH had created an ARTC leaflet to distribute to parents. The whole event had been a very positive link to the school.
ACTION: CH will liaise with Kelly about her contributing to the Autumn newsletter.
- Safeguarding
CH told the committee about new safeguarding guidance from the LTA which now required updated flowcharts about reporting a safeguarding query and a change of use of language from ‘club’ to ‘venue’. It was decided to update policies in Aug ’24 when it is the renewal date. In the meantime, it would be useful to have a rolling programme of dates for policy reviews.
ACTION: CH to display new flow charts in the clubhouse. KT to review dates for policy renewals.
- Finance Report
ST was thanked for creating an excel spreadsheet to collect match fees. All agreed that using bank transfers was a big improvement. Captains said it made their job much easier. It will contribute @£2 300. £5 253 has been paid in subs and we have had 16 new members this season. Current membership stands at:
- Adults 62
- Families 3
- Juniors 24
A new mower has been bought for £469.
ACTION: Contact RB about getting a quote for work on hedge cutting.
- Membership & Recruitment
AMc was thanked by the committee and individual members for her energy and enthusiasm for a very productive recruitment drive. So far, she has brought in 4 women and 4 men adult members. Discussion followed about how best to support new members particularly in the winter months. AMc asked if there could be a men’s recruitment contact. TS and ST agreed to offer support in accessing Whatsapp groups along with PB to find groups to play with on a social level.
ACTION: ST to ensure PB was ccd into the email he sends out after membership payment has gone ‘Active.’
A discussion followed about organising a weekend club afternoon/morning through the winter.
ACTION: CH to contact AMc regarding consulting Ladies Social Group about opening to mixed Sunday afternoon sessions.
- Season’s Review
There was a general discussion about how the competitive season had gone.SH described it as a hugely challenging season and thanked the commitment and support of all the team captains in her role as Fixtures Secretary. Many members had played several times in a week in order to field 4 mixed, 2 ladies and 2 mens teams. ST thanked TS for not pulling on the 2nd men’s team thereby facilitating their promotion to Division 5. CH thanked SH and the Selection Committee for all their hard work and dedication in implementing a new match reporting system this season.
ACTION: To review the feasibility of maintaining the current number of teams in Spring ’24 once members have registered their availability/commitment.
- Maintenance
GC reported there were possible trip hazards with the concrete car park edging and that the paving slabs were uneven on the footpath. The horizontal court support wires also required tightening and the Ferrous Sulphate weedkiller needs storing in in a lockable box. The leylandii hedge cutting was being organised by RB. CH discussed painting of the clubhouse and SH, ST and MM all offered to liaise with CH & QH to organise this.
ACTION: SH, ST and MM to liaise with CH (& QH) to organise the external painting. KT to source a lockable box and communicate to Maintenance Group.
- Tournament Summaries
CH reported that the Spring Cup in Memory of Liz Maunder had gone well and congratulated Sara Heron and Geoff Bullock on their win which was very fitting as Liz was Fixtures Secretary for many years and SH had taken over the role from GB just this season. CH thanked Brian Maunder on donating champagne in the spirit of the taking part being as important as the winning.
TS reported that the David Bradley Invitational Memorial Tournament had 18 entrants so far. CH thanked TS for his hard work organising the invitational event beyond ARTC members.
ACTION: Due to the closeness of the DB Memorial and the proposed Ladies’ Doubles end of season tournament it was decided to postpone The Dennis Hudson Tournament until 2024.
- AGM Arrangements for 16.11.23
Discussion was had about circulating documents for the AGM and whether we needed a meeting immediately before to finalise arrangements. It was felt that a separate meeting was unnecessary.
It was agreed to continue the same fees as 2022-23 and to propose a new membership category of Friends of ARTC for former players.
ACTION: KT to circulate invitation for members proposals 4 weeks before and the Agenda, Election information, 2022 AGM Minutes and Finance Report 2 weeks before the meeting. Any written proposals from members would also be circulated 2 weeks before the AGM.
- AoB
H reported that Damian Galloway had decided not too continue Junior Coaching however Jill Le Pla, a Level 2 LTA accredited coach, had been recruited by an existing ARTC member from York Tennis Club and St Peters. CH was currently discussing how the sessions would run but was pleased that a coach had been recruited at short notice.
- Date of next meeting: To be decided following the AGM.
The meeting closed at 9:45pm.