25.1.24 Minutes
James Dutton, Mick Miller, Tom Shouksmith
Minutes of 14.9.23 Meeting
The minutes were accepted as accurate and signed by CH.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
- Finance Report
ST reported that the current account stands at £40 210.
Outgoings since the last meeting:
- £600 Replay for REVIVE Maintenance.
- £300 Hedge cutting
- £405 for LTA registration
- £70 Junior tennis balls
- Court 3 Maintenance
CH described the Replay visit on Tuesday to survey the court. Discussion followed about the longevity of the current surface, the cost, and the lease. PB said she had communicated with Linda Stuart at the brewery and the tone had been positive. We unanimously decided to get Replay to Rejuvenate Court 3 as soon as possible.
ACTION: PB to follow up with LS
KT to book in date for Replay visit.
- Access road to tennis club
The committee had received the latest correspondence from Chris Gargan concerning options for a financial contribution to the upkeep of the road. Discussion followed about tenancy arrangements, and it was decided to reiterate previous emails that we were unable to commit to a financial contribution, whilst at the same time commending the group’s intentions to improve the access.
ACTION: KT to draft response for committee approval before sending to Mr Gargan.
- Membership & Recruitment
Discussion followed about using the Scarecrow Festival to promote the club and to publicise membership. TSp offered to contact organisers about being involved.
ACTION: TSp to follow up.
- Safeguarding
CH told the committee that several Safeguarding policies are due for review in October: Safeguarding; Safe Recruitment; Photography & Filming; Anti-bullying and On-line Safety. CH was happy to continue in her role as Welfare Officer and needs to complete an on-line refresher course by November.
ACTION: CH to review existing policies and circulate to KT & GC over the next few months prior to AGM.
Committee Roles 2023-24
Chair | Chris Howat | |||||
Secretary | Kath Temple | |||||
Treasurer | Steve Temple | |||||
Welfare Officer | Chris Howat | Kath Temple | Gary Carpenter | |||
Fixtures Secretary | Sara Heron | |||||
Men’s Fixtures | Tom Shouksmith | Steve Temple | ||||
Ladies’ Fixtures | Amanda McVey | |||||
Health & Safety | Gary Carpenter | |||||
Court Maintenance | Mick Miller | Gary Carpenter | Steve Temple | Geoff Bullock | ||
Membership | Steve Temple | Chris Howat | ||||
Club house | Gary & Julie Carpenter | |||||
Adult Coaching | Pauline Belt | |||||
Junior Coaching | Chris Howat | |||||
Social Media | Keith Hunter/Tim Spakouskas | |||||
Newsletter | Chris Howat | Committee contributions | ||||
Recruitment | Pauline Belt | Amanda McVey | ||||
Website | Kath Temple | |||||
Sat/Thurs Social Whatsapp | Amanda McVey James Dutton | |||||
Recycling | Steve Temple | |||||
Trophy Engraving | Chris Howat | |||||
Discussion followed about Availability Forms for this season’s Ladies and using the terms ‘Regular’ and ‘Occasional’. SH would be doing the same for the Mixed. It was decided to clarify the terms – Regular (50% or more games), Occasional (on standby) and add ‘Not wanting to play competitively’ plus any unavailable dates.
ACTION: CH, AM and SH to draft Availability email to distribute to members.
TSp to ask JD if he would like to send out weekly tennis Whatsapp for Thursday evenings.
- Tournament Dates
Spring Harlequin: Sunday 21 April 11am
Liz Maunder Spring Cup: Friday 17 May 6pm
- AoB
- CH discussed painting the clubhouse interior. AM recommended a painter who might be able to do the exterior gable ends and quote for the interior painting. Alternatively, committee members were willing to form a working party.
ACTION: CH to liaise with AM.
CH said the net winders were stiff.
ACTION: ST to investigate.
Septic Tank due for emptying.
ACTION: ST to organise.
Court 3 net. Discussion followed about the red net on Court 3 and whether it was in keeping with the other courts. Several committee members preferred a conventional net i.e. black and white. It was suggested that RB be informed as he had sourced the original net as a prize from Replay.
ACTION: ST to investigate cost of buying a new one as the old one may have been disposed of.
Meeting closed at 10.10pm.
Date of next meeting: Thursday 21 March 7.30pm.