Unaccompanied Children Policy


Last Updated: 21/5/24

Children playing at Beechgrove Lawn Tennis Club

While it is a parent’s decision as to what age they allow their child to be unsupervised. Can a tennis venue make a decision about what age children can be unsupervised at their venue?

  • Yes. Whilst the NSPCC has guidance, each tennis venue will need to make a decision about what age children can be without parental supervision. It is important to communicate any decision about what age children can be left at a tennis venue unsupervised, to all members; including young people.
  • Whilst LTA registered clubs have safeguarding policies in place, along with a designated Welfare Officer/s, this is to support in safeguarding whilst children and young people are present, or respond to any issues that may occur, not to take on parental responsibilities.
  • The committee have agreed that no child under the age of 14 should be left alone and/or unsupervised on the club’s premises.
  • It is a parent’s responsibility to teach their child how to respond to emergencies or situations that may arise outside the home, so they feel confident when their child is not under their supervision.
  • The NSPCC recommends in domestic situations that all children under 13 yrs. be supervised by their parent, carer or guardian. This is due to concerns that they may not be mature enough to deal with an emergency or certain situations.
  • They also advise that any child under the age of 16 yrs. but over the age of 13 yrs. remains the responsibility of the parent, carer or guardian.

Other club members know my child and can supervise my child when I am not there?

  • You may know other club members well; however specific arrangements still need to be made by you and another adult to supervise your child and your child needs to be aware of the arrangement. Simply being on club premises with lots of adults is not acceptable.
  • Whilst Beechgrove Lawn Tennis Club fully accepts the above NSPCC guidance which relates to domestic situations, the club has agreed that children aged 14 and over will be permitted to play unaccompanied BUT the responsibility will remain with their parents/carers to ensure that their child is able to respond to emergencies and situations and has sufficient emotional maturity to attend the venue unaccompanied.


This Unsupervised Children’s Policy has been approved by:

Chair: Katherine Wilson                                                                 Date: 21/5/24

Welfare Officer: Alex Rae                                                              Date 21/5/24


This policy will be reviewed every two years, or earlier if there is a change in national legislation and/or guidance.