Consent forms for Junior players

Photography and Filming

As part of our safeguarding practices, the Club has approved a Photography and Filming policy which covers the capture and use of photographic, video or other images at tennis coaching, competitions and/or other events run by the Club at the club courts.  It can also apply at other locations when members/children are representing Busby.   You can download a copy here

The Club is keen to promote positive images of individuals playing tennis and is not preventing the use of photographic or videoing equipment. However, as some people may use sporting events as an opportunity to take inappropriate photographs or film footage, it was necessary for the Club to adopt the policy and the procedures it contains to ensure a safe environment to play tennis.

Please note that this document also applies to photographic, video or other images taken by the Coaching team that operates on Busby courts.  All references to “the Club” should therefore be taken on this occasion to also apply to the Coaching team led by Claire Kinloch Anderson.  The Club and its coaches will work together to ensure that the policy is operated properly between us.

Photography and Filming Consent form

The Club will always ask for written consent before taking and using a child's image.  Any such images will be securely stored and access will be limited to those in the Club who operate our social media and website.  

Consent can be given for a short specific period- a club tournament for example-or for a longer term-for the remainder of the season or while the child is aged under 18.  This is for the parents/carers to determine not the Club.  When/if consent is withdrawn, the Club will take all reasonable steps to remove the photos of the child from public view.

This form is based on the LTA template but as described above has been customised to cover both club events and coaching sessions instead of using two separate forms.

This form doesn't cover any occasion when a Junior member is asked to take part in a virtual meeting (ie Zoom, Teams).  If the need for this does occur, our Welfare Officer will advise on how this should work covering what we will do and expect parents to do to keep your child safe on-line.

Photography and Filming consent form

Please download the form and return the completed form to our Club Administrator, Alison.  As the form cannot be completed on screen, you can send a photo or scan to Alison using the email link email photo consent form

If you have any concerns about this process and/or images are being taken inappropriately, please contact our Club Welfare Officer, Helen Young

Junior players participating in senior team practices and matches

Busby is very fortunate in having a number of good young players who have been knocking on the door of our senior teams.  While the Club would want to give them experience of the senior game and the match environment, we still have to ensure their safety.  With that in mind, the Club has adapted the LTA consent and emergency contact form into a form that can be used solely for those Juniors who play and practice with our senior teams.  It's based around ensuring that the parent/carer of the child has agreed how they can be contacted about practices and matches but also includes information about any health or other issues that the senior team captain should know about as well as an emergency contact.  In respect of transport, the teams will adopt a protocol to be used when the parents are unable to transport their child to away matches and the young player travels with other team members to the match.

This form shoud be completed by the parent/carer and returned to the senior team captain: Consent and Junior emergency contact senior teams