Stay fit and healthy on and off court

Head injury and concussion guidance

This Sports Scotland guidance is intended to provide information on how to recognise sports concussion and on how this should be managed from the time of injury through to safe return to sport.

At all levels in all sports if an athlete is suspected of having a concussion, they must be immediately removed from play. If in doubt, sit them out. No-one should return to sport on the same day with suspected concussion.


  • A concussion is a brain injury 
  • All concussions are serious
  • Most concussions occur without loss of consciousness

Download the guidance here

Mental Health and Well-being

Positive mental health is a state of well-being, when you are able to think, feel and react in the ways that enable you to engage in the work and activities that you enjoy, whilst being able to cope with the normal stresses of life.

All of us experience ups and downs in our mental health at some point in our lives, but if you experience a period of particularly poor mental health, you might find that the way you are thinking, feeling or reacting becomes inceasingly difficult to cope with.  There are lots of resources available for help and support

LTA Mental Health and Wellbeing guide

Sun Safety

Even in Scotland we need information on sun safety.  This can be found at Outdoor Kids sun safety