Management Committee 2024/25

What is the Management Committee?

Busby's committee are all volunteers who undertake the running, upkeep and development of the club in their spare time and are elected by the wider membership at the AGM.   Following a change to our constitution in early 2022, the committee has changed how it operates. The full committee, called the "Management Committee" meets quarterly with its members acting as a representative of all the membership.  There is a set of smaller sub committees who take forward different areas of work and only need to report back quarterly to the full committee.  These teams can include club members not on the committee. Areas covered include membership, ball machine purchase, business planning, safeguarding, tennis development and social media. For more information on the set up and who is involved, see: Committee Teams

Anyone can get involved in the running of the club and you don't need to join the committee to do so.  Contact Jane via to find out more.

Who does what?

We are fortunate to have a group of individuals who bring a wide range of skills and experience to the running of the club. The office-bearers have specific jobs under the constitution but many of the projects at the club are delivered through a team effort.  In the recent past, replacing the courts in 2016 was a huge project that took a number of years and a lot of effort from a lot of people to reach a successful conclusion.   More recently, the new floodlights on court 3 involved a team of people- from sourcing a contractor, to speaking to our neighbours, to applying for planning permission and finally to coordinate with the contractors to have the new floodlights installed. 

Again, you don't need to be a committee member to get involved so if you think you can help us develop in a specific area, please get in touch.

Office Bearers

President: Jane Henderson          Vice President: Kjetil Rossavik ("KJ")

Past President: Alan Bibby  

Treasurer: Ken Davidson Membership Secretary: Erin Kerr        Welfare Officer: Helen Young


Coach: Claire Kinloch Anderson       

Administrators: Lorna Clark            




General Committee

Ali Wright


Vicky Hughes


Darren Links


Sally Gallagher Julia Dickson