Committee teams
A new approach to managing the Club
In February 2022, the AGM approved a new constitution for the Club. Amongst other changes, it allowed the committee to look at better ways to manage the Club than the traditional "one big committee" set up we had been using for years.
What we have now is an arrangement that is less onerous for committee members and makes the running of the Club simpler and easier. We still have the main committee, now called the Management Committee that meets four times a year. The purpose of this is to ensure that the Club is being managed overall in a manner which meets its aims and Community Amateur Sport Club (CASC) obligations. It doesn't get involved in the day to day issues unless absolutely necessary.
The day to day running of the Club is now managed by sub-committees, or teams as we call them. Every team has a committee member as a lead whose job is to make sure the team keeps on top of its remit and reports back to the Management Committee on what has been happening every quarter. The rest of the each team is a mixture of committee members and other club members who have volunteered to get involved in that aspect of Club business. Volunteering like this doesn't mean that a club member is "stuck" to that team in fact we hope that this flexible approach would let members get involved for one particular event where their expertise is needed and then step back if they want.
Every member of the Management Committee is a member of at least one team.
These are the teams that are currently in place:
Management Team | To provide an overview of the work of all teams & club business plus forwarded planning | Jane | Jane Henderson (President), Kjetil Rossavik (Vice-President), Alan Bibby (Past President), Ken Davidson (Treasurer), Iain Miller (Committee member), Claire Kinloch Anderson (Coach) & Lorna Clark (Administrator) |
Facilities | Ensure H&S standards are met and that routine maintenance tasks are addressed | Alan | Alan Bibby, Harvey Cowen (Volunteer) & Ali Wright (Committee) |
Finance | Overview of club income & expenditure plus financial planning | Ken | Ken Davidson, Alan Bibby, Iain Miller & Lorna Clark |
Membership | To manage membership packages & promote existing memberships | Erin | Erin Kerr (Membership Secretary), Lorna Clark & Darren Links (Committee) |
Safeguarding | Ensuring that all children, young people and adults at risk are safeguarded while at the club and have an enjoyable tennis experience. | Helen | Helen Young (Welfare Officer), Julia Dickson (Committee) , Claire Kinloch Anderson & Alison Findlay (Volunteer) |
Tennis Development & Teams | Overview of development of all members, whatever their age or playing standard through coaching, competition and club events | Claire | Claire Kinloch Anderson, Gillian Andrew (Womens 1st team captain/volunteer), Brendan Semple (Mens 1st team captain/volunteer) & Darren Links |
Events | Coordinating any catering etc needed at club events including fundraising | Sally | Sally Gallagher (Volunteer), Vicky Hughes (Committee member), Hilary Cowen (Volunteer), Kathleen Watson (Volunteer), Gillian Andrew & Misa Watson (Volunteer) |
Ball machine | Managing the club's ball machine in particular storage, use and membership | Erin | Erin Kerr, Vicky Hughes, John McDermott (Volunteer), Ali Wright & Alison Findlay |
Centenary 💯 | Preparing for 1924 celebrations | Jane | Jane Henderson, Helen Young, Hilary Cowen (Volunteer), Vivianne Kerr (Volunteer) & Jacqueline Macartney |