
January News 2023

Cambourne Lawn Tennis Club: Christmas Quiz and Club awards ceremony


CLTC Hope you have all had a fantastic Christmas Break and wish you a peaceful and prosperous New Year!


2022 has been a challenging but eventful year with the financial crisis hot on the heels of the dreaded COVID pandemic. We Cambournians are a resilient and resourceful bunch though and as part of the social makeup of our community, we at the tennis club are proud of our contribution to our local social, physical and mental wellbeing. But any club, as is true for any community, is only as good as the members that make up the collective. To celebrate those who have contributed and helped make our club successful, we held our annual Christmas Social  on SUNDAY 11th DECEMBER, over at the Upper Cambourne Cricket Pavilion where the Christmas quiz was hosted with hot and cold drinks and food (cakes, pies and Pizzas) and culminated in the prestigious awards ceremony. 


The results were as follows:


Most improved player - James Gates 

Most Entertaining player - Milo Fletcher 

Rafael Nadal Award - Patrick Whitehorn

Future Star - Driya Paikray 

Future Star - Neil Saha

Volunteer of the Year - Arif Kibria 

Assistant Coach of the Year - Connor Ecclestone 

Player of the Year - Anna Byron

Player of the Year - Alexander Whitehorn