Whitsun Camp Dates 2021

Whitsun Holiday Courses - these take place on

Tuesday 1st June

Wednesday 2nd June 

from 9.00 - 3.00 every day and include many different games and activities, not just tennis! The courses are organised by Church Broughton's Head Coach Ben Rushby. Ben is a level 3 accredited LTA qualified coach and will be supported by other level 2 qualified coaches. The courses will be held at Church Broughton Tennis Club, Bent Lane, Church Broughton DE65 5BA.

Players need to bring a packed lunch and wear suitable footwear and clothing. Refreshments such as drinks, snacks and fruit will be available to buy for a small charge.

The cost per day is £22 for members and £30 for non-members.

Payment must be sent with a booking form to reserve your place (you can enquire from Ben regarding bank transfer details or make cheques payable to Ben Rushby.

Booking Form :-





Appicable date(s)            Tuesday 1st                   Wednesday 2nd                  Tuesday and Wednesday


DOB                                                                                                     Parents email


Home telephone number                                                         Parents mobile number


Emergency Contact number (if different from above)


Any medical condistions that the coach should be aware of :-


Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any injury incurred during our camps but adhere to a strict health and safety policy as laid out on the website. Wealso cannot be help responsible for any loss or damage to personal belongings