Health and Safety

The club does not employ staff to undertake daily oversight of the courts, equipment and supervision of players and the Committee relies on members and users of the facilities to identify any issues which may need to be addressed.


A regular risk assessment will be undertaken to ensure that the premises and equipment are safe and suitable for play.

At all times, members should appraise the risk and satisfy themselves that the courts are safe and wear appropriate tennis footwear with adequate grip.


Notices have been affixed to the courts asking that all club members wear appropriate clothing and footwear on the courts and that they check that the court is suitable for play. If there is a problem with the premises or equipment then members are asked not to use them until the problem has been rectified and inform a member of the Committee as soon as possible in order that the problem can be rectified.


Club members and Visitors should not play or attend training sessions at the Club if they have
been advised not to do so by a GP or a hospital doctor.


Members and users of the club’s premises should note that there is no public telephone on the club’s premises. They should therefore ensure that they have a means of contacting the emergency services should the need arise i.e. a mobile phone.

Coaches hold up to date first aid certificates, first aid kits and mobile phones.

CTC is an unmanned facility and it is therefore the individual responsibility of each member to inform those you are playing with of any known medical condition that you have that may require immediate assistance.

Accident and Emergency Guidelines

  • Stay calm but act swiftly and observe the situation. Is there any danger of further injuries?
  • Listen to what the injured person is saying
  • If the injury is minor, alert a first aider to take appropriate action
  • If the injury requires specialist treatment, call the emergency services
  • If the injury has occurred during a junior group session, ensure the rest of the group are adequately supervised
  • Do not move someone with major injuries – wait for the emergency services
  • Contact the injured person’s parent/carer (if appropriate)
  • Download an Accident/Incident Report Form-see below

Nearest Accident and Emergency Department-Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital, Colney Lane, Norwich, NR4 7UY

Club Location-Cringleford Playing Fields, Oakfields Road, Cringleford, NR4 6XF Map

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Clubhouse: A first aid kit is available for use and is situated under the main kitchen sink.  

Lower and Upper Courts: Mini first aid kits are situated in the green floodlight token boxes. If used please email Jenny Chambers so she can top up as necessary-thank you.


Defibrillator located at Sports Pavilion to left of side door access



Children using the club’s facilities do so subject to appropriate parental permission. Parents have a duty to inform those supervising children during organised activities of any relevant health information in relation to
their child. Parents also have a responsibility to ensure that their child behaves in an appropriate way and does not do anything which may endanger themselves or other users.



Anyone undertaking maintenance work should ensure they wear appropriate personal protective equipment.


Had an Accident?

In the event of an Accident on the courts, please complete an Accident/Incident Form and pass or email to a committee member as soon as possible.

Accident and Emergency Guidelines Safety Notice