President and Council

The full council meets regularly through the year and oversees the County strategies.


President                                                           Sir Simon Day

Hon. Vice President                                        David Kirkness

Hon. Vice President                                        Penny Pullen

Hon. Vice President & Life Member            Bud O'Connell

Hon. Life Member                                           Jackie Clarke

Hon. Life Member                                           Mary Bayliss

LTA Councillor                                                  David Vinall

Vice Chair                                                         Jemima Morris

Chairman & Men's Captain                              David Vinall

Hon. Treasurer                                                    Andy Malcolm

Hon. Secretary                                                  Jane Wilson

Seniors Ladies' Secretary                                  TBC

Seniors Men's Secretary                                    Ken Jones

Tournaments                                                        Peter Wilson

Performance                                                        Will McNally

Co-opted Member                                             Ashley Scott

Club Representative                                          James Temple



Council members can be contacted via the County Office (