
NEW Company Articles of Association Feb 2025

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Club Policies

These policies must be read in conjunction with the LTA Policies.  Members are required to adhere to both.

Photography and Filming


Online Safety

Data Protection (checking requirements)

Whistle-blowing (due to be updated)

They Changing Room

One-off Event


Constitution (amended April 2023)


LTA Policies

These policies must be read in conjunction with the Club policies. Members are required to adhere to both.

Safeguarding Children

Photography and Filming

LTA Online Communication

LTA Safeguarding at Events

LTA Anti Bullying


Parents and Children 

Both are welcome.

Children under 11 need supervision by an adult (parent/carer or coach).

Children aged 11 or over may use the court without adult supervision.  Their parents/carers need to give them a clear understanding of the expectations of behaviour, and remain responsible for them at the court. 

The expectations of behaviour include the Filming/Photography policies and the On-line Safety policies of the Club and the LTA.

To avoid risk, children should not use the changing rooms except under supervision by parent/carer.

Disciplinary Policy (currently  Constitution Appendix A)

Safeguarding Policy (awaiting advice from National Safeguarding Officer)

DLTC Club Welfare Officer Rachel Hepburn