

Adult teams

VMH Solicitors East of Scotland Ladies’ and Men’s Leagues are the main team competition for adult players.  Matches are played over a ten-week period from mid-April until the end of June.

We must submit our team entries (with named captains) by end of January.  A ranked list of men and ladies is required before the first round of fixtures in mid-April.

The geographical spread of teams is from Kirkcaldy to East Lothian.  Each league has six teams who all play each other, home and away, over ten weeks.

In 2023, Dunfermline had four ladies’ teams and three men’s teams.  The highlight of the league season was the Men 1 team qualifying for the Division 1 play-off - losing a close match to Colinton has given the players a clear view of what they have to do to gain promotion back to the top league in 2024!

You can see how each team fared in 2023 at VMH Solicitors East of Scotland Ladies League 2023 and Men's League 2023.

Dunfermline teams also play in the Scottish Inter Club Challenge competition.  Formerly the Scottish Cup, this is Scotland’s premier team tennis competition for adults. The competition starts in April and matches are played at clubs, leading to finals at the end of June.  Dunfermline Ladies have won this national competition a record 18 times!

In the second half of the season (July – November), our teams play in a number of East competitions, including:

  • Summer Cup
  • Inter Club Singles
  • Vets League
  • Supervets League
  • Robin Welsh Cup
  • Winter League Cup

Please contact if you’re keen to play team tennis, regularly or occasionally.

Junior teams

VMH Solicitors East of Scotland Youth League is part of the National League team competition for players in the 8U – 18U age groups.  Our junior teams have a tremendous record of success in this competition but, most importantly, it’s great fun!

In 2023, Dunfermline/Brucehaven had seven teams in summer league and three teams in the winter league - five of our teams won their divisions.  The highlight was the performance of our 12U Boys who won Division 1 twice!

You can see all the results at VMH Solicitors East of Scotland Youth League - Summer 2023 and Winter League 2023.