Membership terms & conditions


Memberships are valid from 1st April to 31st March the following year. Upon joining or renewing, all members must pay the full annual fee or set up a monthly direct debit (if available), according to their chosen membership category. Throughout the year, the same arrangements will apply to reduced fees that are introduced for new members.

Membership categories, prices and payment methods are detailed in the section How to join section on the Club website.

A membership renewal notification email will be sent to all members when the renewal period is approaching. Prompt payment is appreciated. Members who have not paid renewal fees within thirty days of the due date will be deemed to have lapsed their membership and therefore will:

  • Not be entitled to use the Club facilities
  • Not be allowed to enter Club competitions
  • Not be allowed to represent the Club in any competition

Joining and membership renewals are all online via the ClubSpark system. Members are requested to check their details and amend if required.

The primary means of communication is by email. Club activities are also publicised on the club’s Facebook page @dunfermlinetc and members’ WhatsApp community.

Members are requested to modify their profile details if their contact information (for example: email, mobile number, emergency contact details) or other personal information (for example: medical information) changes.

Members are invited to give consent to:

  • Receiving emails from us with details of club activities and offers
  • Photographs of themselves/their children being used in club communications and social media (Club photography policy and practice is in line with LTA guidelines and is available in the Safeguarding section on the Club website)
  • First aid or medical treatment recommended by competent medical authorities for yourself (if an adult) or for the junior member you have responsibility (if you are a parent/guardian)

Members must take responsibility for their own safety and exercise only within their capabilities. Should a members have any concerns with your health and fitness, they should seek independent medical advice before engaging in any tennis activities at the Club.

By taking out a Club membership, a member is declaring that, to the best of their knowledge, all players included in the membership are fit to play and not knowingly playing against the advice of a GP, hospital doctor or other health professional. Further, they are undertaking to advise us immediately should their health or vulnerability to injury change.

Members are able to amend their consents at any time by updating their profile on ClubSpark. Any such changes will have immediate effect.

Member details will not be shared with any other party outside of ClubSpark. We may share your data with selected third-party systems (for example, with contact management systems to send emails, instant messages, social media messages and SMS messages. There are certain exceptional circumstances in which we may disclose your information to third parties (for example where we believe that the disclosure is required by the law).

As an LTA Registered Venue, we require our members to comply with the Club’s Safeguarding Policies and Best Practice Guidance. This can be found in the Safeguarding section on the Club website. Any member failing to act in accordance with these policies and codes may be challenged in relation to their conduct and may be asked to leave the courts or Club premises. Continual refusal to abide by the codes and policies may result in withdrawal of membership.

The club takes no responsibility for unsupervised juniors outside of normal coaching, camps or club playing sessions.

The club takes no responsibility for personal items left in club premises.

Only tennis and pickleball may be played on the courts.

Only members of the Club’s coaching team have approval to deliver coaching services at the club. Any member wishing to use the courts for coaching activity (paid or voluntary and including but not limited to coaching, mentoring or training) must seek permission from the club’s Head Coach in advance.

Appropriate sports footwear (flat-soled, non-slip, non-marking) and clothing (including sports tops) must be worn at all times.

Members must conduct a personal risk assessment before playing and ensure that the courts are safe for use. Any members playing when the courts are considered unsafe (for example slippery surface due to environmental conditions) do so at their own risk.

The club will supply tennis balls for club social play, team matches, competitions and coaching sessions.

Membership categories and court booking Terms and Conditions can change annually. Members should check the website for the latest version.

Any matters for concern regarding your membership or any other member should be reported to

The club welcomes feedback from members. Any member is welcome to provide feedback via

Booking Courts

All members are advised to book tennis courts in advance using the Club’s online booking system on ClubSpark. Only members can use the court booking function.

Members who have a booking have priority over players arriving on the off-chance of a court being available.

Court availability may be restricted by the following:

  • Club team matches take priority during the league season
  • Club social sessions nights and club organised events
  • Scheduled coaching sessions
  • Court maintenance

Members must book courts for their use only and not for non-members.

To allow working adults fair access, junior members should not book courts after 6.30pm on weekday evenings. Junior members may use the courts after 6.30pm if no adults are playing.

Members may invite adult guests to play for a fee of £5.00 per session and children £3.00 per session.  Sessions should be two hours maximum.

The courts are available for play by members and guests at any time during daylight hours up to 10pm.

The club retains the right to block book courts. All block bookings will be clearly marked on the booking system.

<court access>

For full court booking terms and conditions, please refer to the Court Booking Terms and conditions contained within the ClubSpark online court booking system.

Clubhouse Access

Access to the clubhouse is through a Personal Access Code or the ‘Nuki’ app downloaded to your phone. If you’re the last person to leave the club, please ensure you alarm, close and lock the door.

If you would like a Personal Access Code, please contact our administrator at:

The courts and clubhouse should be left clean and free of damage. Any problems should be reported to the Club Secretary by email to as soon as possible.