What Racket should I buy?

When your child comes to tennis, your child should bring a racket with them. (We do have racquets that can be lent out if you have not purchased a racket yet, no need to message us as this can be arranged at the session) 


- Sizing guide 


19 inches - 4 years 3ft 4" or shorter

21 inches - 4 to 5 years - 3ft 4" to 3ft 8"

23 inches - 6 to 8 years - 3ft 9" to 4ft 1"

25 inches -8 to 10 years - 4ft 2" to 4ft7"

26 inches -  10 to 11 years - 4ft 7" 

27 inches - 11 years + 

We are sponsored by Wilson and sell all racket sizes. Please email us at info@emmawellstennis.com if you would like to organise picking up one. 

A trick you can use to determine if your child’s current racket is the right size is to compare the racket length with the height and dimensions of your child. Have your child hold their racket against the ground vertically with the end of the handle against their palm. Make them press the racket head straight against their shoe. If they can fully extend their arm and comfortably hold the racket, then there is a good chance it’s a fit. If they have to bend their elbow even slightly to rest their palm on the handle end, then this is a sign that the racket length is too large.